WeShare - sharing benefits
Sharing is the joint use of a resource or space. In its narrow sense, it refers to joint or alternating use of an inherently finite good, such as a common pasture or a shared residence. It is also the process of dividing and distributing. Goals Towards new and cleaner transport. Free from old institutions/systems. Different in ownership en use. Investments and markets needed. All benefits to the mobilists. Committing mobilists (crowdfunding). Consument becomes prosument.
Thinking different Flexibel instead of fixed. Clean instead of Smog. Spacious instead of parking. Lower fixed costs. Together instead of seperate. Cooperative!
Benchmark is a (normal)car fixed costs € 375,-/month. Variable costs € 0,15/km. (in total € 0,45/km) Average km/year 1 hour and 15 minuten a day occupied… in time. Average occupancy car is 1,2 persone. How do you sell left over capacity?
Usage 80% want to share (SnappCar?). No show is the biggest fear. A change of only 4% … And often only for the very short trips? Garantees needed. Not for everybody suitable.... Up to km/year, not daily and locally.
One big mobilitypool
Occupancyrate is key! Greenwheels (€ 0,50/km) and Car2Go (€ 1,24/km), they take risc. Free riding is not an option... A method is gathering milage. A member á € 57,50/maand. km-bundels from km/year á 19 cnt/km. All-in € 0,47 incl. 20% profit for your cooperative.
All benefits + choices + ROI + serviced + cleaner + spacious - planning + cheaper
Upgrading the initiative Not only for mobilitymeans. Also logistics. Start with non strategical elements. Local arrangements. A simple and honest administration.. Be sure for connectivity and free access.
Mobility as a service Car’s, bikes, scooters and public transport… Insurance en mending. Maintenance and tires. Service en offical checks. Repatriating and rentals. ICT en administration. (doesn’t all have to be electric…)
What can everybody do? Organise all elements in the neighbourhood! Look for sufficient milage and crowdfunding!