The Student Services Student Learning Outcomes Committee, working side-by-side with the SLOAC, exists to: Facilitate division-wide discussions on the development.


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Presentation transcript:

The Student Services Student Learning Outcomes Committee, working side-by-side with the SLOAC, exists to: Facilitate division-wide discussions on the development and implementation of SLOs, Support development of student learning assessment materials and reports; Ensure compliance with education policy and accreditation standards.

Reporting Structure The Student Services SLO Committee reports directly to the Associate Vice President of Student Services. Composition The committee is currently composed of Student Services faculty (3), Instructional faculty (1), Classified staff (1), and Managers (1).

Information Competency Demonstrate the skills necessary to identify and use a variety of tools to locate and retrieve information in various formats for a variety of growth opportunities including academic, financial, personal, professional and career. Life Skills and Personal Development Take responsibility for personal growth and self-advocacy in academic, ethical, financial, personal, social, professional and career development. Critical Thinking Identify and analyze problems: creatively question, propose, analyze, implement and evaluate solutions to problems. Global and Cultural Awareness An understanding of one’s own culture and its impact on others, as well as a deeper understanding of cultures other than one’s own.

Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs): This term is used to refer to Student learning outcomes of the institution (Sacramento City College); Areas of learning that students are expected to be proficient in upon completion of a course of study (degree, certificate, or substantial course work) at Sacramento City College (whether or not they completed a degree). The ISLOs apply to Student Services General Learning Outcomes (SSGLOs) and Student Services Area Learning Outcomes (SSALOs).

Student Services General Learning Outcomes (SSGLOs): This term is used to refer to areas of learning that students have demonstrated knowledge of upon the completion of their educational experience in Student Services at Sacramento City College. Student Services Area Learning Outcomes (SSALOs): This term is used to refer to any student learning outcome results from interactions with specific Student Services department/program. Data; assessment; measurement: The information will be gathered in order to analyze how well students achieved the student learning outcomes. This information will be reported by individual departments and stored in a campus web-based database.

For more information: Website Contact: Diane Belair Kim Beyrer Sherri Goldberg Debra Luff Derrick Wydick