MIA Annual President’s Report December 08, 2013 Grand Mosque, 2445 Waverly St.
Progress on objectives set last year: 3. Development of Waverly land 1. Expanding MIA resources and capacity 2. Enhancing MIA’s organizational structure 4. Establishment of Muslim Grave yard.
New initiatives: ◦ Fitness room ◦ Al-Fajr Quran Institute ◦ Outreach committee ◦ Fiqh Committee New activities: ◦ 1 st Youth Summit ◦ 1 st Muslim Culture day 1. Expanding MIA resources and capacity (a)
1. Expanding MIA resources and capacity (b) Facilities upgrade: Washroom Path ways – old and new Water Fountain Landscaping 80 additional parking spaces Website (work in progress) Gym wall (work in progress) Security system (work in progress) Hazelwood pillars (work in progress)
2. Enhancing MIA’s organizational structure 2. Enhancing MIA’s organizational structure Revising the MIA constitution: Highlights of some changes: Establishment of Election & Compliance body to ensure efficiency of election process and ensure EC’s compliance with MIA constitution. Enhanced eligibility criteria for bearers of MIA office Term limits for EC members Conflict of interest guidelines Eliminate divisive practices
3. Development of Waverly land Actions taken so far: Conducted full Survey the land Established a committee to start the process of developing a master plan.
4. Establishment of Muslim Grave yard Considered a number of alternatives Currently working on a specific alternative; negotiations are under way. More details will be available soon Decision Option 3 Option 1 Option 2
MIA Staffing: Facility Management Br. Haseeb (full time) Waverly Br. Farhat (part time) Hazelwood Administration and Accounting Br. Raza (part time) Administration Mrs. Veronicka Accounting & book keeping Education & dawa Sh. Atif Imam & Quranic studies Dr. Sadeq Imam and weekend Islamic school
Sample Events list: Youth Summit “Youth We Appreciate” community dinner. February Good Friday holiday bake sale “Generous We Flourish” fundraising dinner April Muslim Culture Day May Workshop: How to prepare for Ramadan Pre-Ramadan bake sale. Quran memorization competition July Eid Festival August Workshop: Fiqh of Hajj September Day of Arafa Iftar “Volunteers We Regard” community dinner October
Finance: Fund raising dinner: $150,000 Ramadan fund raising: $ 90,000 Outstanding City compensation: $ 40,000 Miscellaneous: - Multiple bake sales - General donations 2013 net gain (including uncollected pledges): $34,500
Sample photos of events: (for more photo go to MIA Face book).
MIA Institutions: New MI A 2.Takaful Fund 3. Manitoba Muslim Magazine 1. Al-Noor Weekend School 4. Al-Fajr Quran Institute
Future directions: Development of new land and better utilization of the extra space available. Engagement of the youth by fostering a positive environment conducive to their development and sense of belonging. Enhancement of MIA’s capacity and resource base in order to meet the ever increasing needs and demands of the community. Establishment of steady and stable sources of revenue and income for MIA.
Thank you Seniors Youth Sisters Brothers Colleagues: EC members Wonderful Community