Use case for National Gazetteer Web Services Project
1) User enters place name to search for
2) User selects the type of place (feature type) they are looking for from drop down
3) User selects the state/territory that they would like to search in
4) Results of search are displayed in a page Locality NB In new system full feature types will be show, not codes
5) User can click through on detailed metadata of custodian or status information
6) Or user can click through on name to get full listing of information about the point and the place name located on a map
Up to this point pretty much exactly the same as the current Place Names system The next slides represent the “where we want to be” use case with jurisdictions serving out more detailed data about the place name. Of course there are potentially a lot more use cases for this stuff but this is what we’re aiming for in this project – it gives GA something to achieve for its internal project while not being dependent on other services being in place
Get Extended Data 7) User can click on “Get Extended Data”
Get Extended Data 8) User gets back detailed data on the place name returned from State/Territory/AAD – what is returned will be dependent on the data available from the states and will generally be as complete as possible (don’t want it to overlap with what is already there) Status: Assigned 30th May 2003 Local GovernmentAssigned 30th May 2003 Authority: Great Lakes Approx. Parish: Nerong County: Gloucester Description: A locality about 3 km ENE of Conger Hill and about 2 km S by W of Renwicks Sugarloaf. An address locality. Boundaries in Great Lakes Council area Gaz 30 May 03 see map GNB3767.GNB3767