Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles
Lesson 24 – The Resurrection 24:1-12 It is Sunday…at dawn v. 1a The women are on their way to apply burial spices to Jesus’ body vv. 1b, 10 cp. 23:55 They had been discussing the “difficulty” of the stone being removed Mk 16:3
Lesson 24 – The Resurrection 24:1-12 Arriving at the tomb, they find a moved stone…an empty tomb vv. 2-3 While there, 2 angels appear to remind them of Jesus’ prior words re: His resurrection vv. 4-7 cp. 9:22 18:31-33 “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”
Lesson 24 – The Resurrection 24:1-12 Remembering the words of Jesus the angels referenced, the women return to the apostles & other believers and tell them what they encountered vv. 8-9 The apostles did not believe v. 11 Peter & John believed v. 12 Jn 20:2-10
Lesson 24 – Appearance #1 24:13-35 To 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus v. 13 One of whom was named Cleopas They were discussing “…all the things that had taken place” v. 14 Jesus joins them…however, they did not recognize Him vv
Lesson 24 – Appearance #1 24:13-35 Jesus inquires what they are discussing… this apparently surprises them vv a They relate all the events re: “Jesus the Nazarene” vv. 18b-24 A prophet mighty in deed & word v. 19 Killed by the Jews v. 20
Lesson 24 – Appearance #1 24:13-35 They relate all the events re: “Jesus the Nazarene” vv. 18b-24 Their “hope” for Israel’s redemption v. 21 (The physical kingdom?) Claimed to be alive by the women, though they themselves had not seen Him vv
Lesson 24 – Appearance #1 24:13-35 Jesus chides the 2 for their “slow hearts”… He teaches them vv Began with Moses…referenced all the prophets Arriving at Emmaus, they were going stop but Jesus was going on further…they convince Jesus to stop with them vv
Lesson 24 – Appearance #1 24:13-35 During the meal, Jesus breaks the bread and gives thanks v. 30 This “opens their eyes” and they recognize Jesus…He vanishes instantly v. 31 They admit their astonishment…return to Jerusalem to tell the apostles vv
Lesson 24 – Appearance #2 24:36-49 While the 2 related this experience, Jesus appears to the group v. 36 cp. Jn 20:19-23 They were “startled”…they thought it was a “spirit” (ghost) v. 37 Jesus gives 2 “convincing proofs” He is really there in the flesh vv Acts 1:3
Lesson 24 – Appearance #2 24:36-49 Jesus also brings to their remembrance the words He spoke re: prophecy vv All that was written “…in the Law of Moses & the prophets & the Psalms” Jesus again expounded from the Scripture All this found fulfillment in His D/B/R
Lesson 24 – Appearance #2 24:36-49 Jesus then commissions the apostles to their work vv They were to preach “repentance & remission of sins to all nations starting at Jerusalem” They were to be His witnesses They would receive their promised Helper
Lesson 24 – Appearance #2 24:36-49 “Bridging The Two Treatises” = The last words of Jesus as Luke records them in the “First Treatise” Lk 24:49 The first words of Jesus as Luke records them in the “Second Treatise” Acts 1:4-5, 8
Lesson 24 – The Ascension 24:50-53 Jesus & the 11 apostles leave Jerusalem… they journey to Bethany, the Mt. of Olives v. 50a Acts 1:12 As a final gesture, Jesus raises His hands and blesses them v. 50b Possibly in advance of their pending labors??
Lesson 24 – The Ascension 24:50-53 While blessing them, Jesus is taken up in a cloud & vanishes v. 51 Mk 16:19 Acts 1:9 The 11 apostles return to Jerusalem to await the promise vv. 52 cp. v. 49 They spend their time primarily praising God in the temple v. 53