Unit 6, Lesson 5 Emmaus
Lesson Highlights O Jesus appeared to two believers on the road to Emmaus, as well as to the disciples in Jerusalem. O Jesus explained to his followers the manner in which his life and death had fulfilled Scripture. O Jesus’ resurrection made dramatic changes in his followers’ lives.
Emmaus O Darken the room. O Sit in a circle on the floor with your Bibles. O Describe times when you have sat around a campfire or watched a candle burning.
Emmaus O Read Luke 24: O Please turn to “Fire” (page 65) in the student text.
Emmaus O Question: What was the mood of Cleopas and his friend when Jesus caught up with them? O Answer: they were downcast. O Question: How did they describe Jesus? What had they hoped for from him? O Answer: They called him a prophet. They had hoped he would turn out to be the messiah, the political hero the Jews had so long awaited.
Emmaus O Question: What did Jesus teach these two disciples about himself? O Answer: He explained what Moses and the prophet had said about the Messiah’s suffering. O Question: How did these two disciples respond when they realized who Jesus was and that he had risen? O Answer: They were ecstatic. They ran all the way back to Jerusalem to tell the others, even though it was nighttime by then.
Emmaus O Question: How would you have responded if you had been Cleopas? O Please turn to “Burning Hearts” (page 67) in the student text. O Distribute the activity sheet.