Read/Write Improvement Rms. 135 or 137 Ms. Heuer
About the Course Improving your reading and writing skills in order to prepare for: English classes, standardized tests, and life. Practice SAT/PSAT questions, PARCC questions and writing tasks, and build a writing portfolio to show your proficiency in English.
Essential Questions for the Course How do we approach reading and writing? What do good readers do when they read? What do good writers do during the writing process? How does our word choice and vocabulary affect meaning? Why is it important to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation? How can we organize our ideas in a meaningful way?
Texts to be Read Various short stories Various choice novels
Additional Work Practice PSAT/SAT questions Practice PARCC-style questions and prompts Membean Online Vocabulary Workshop NewsELA or ThinkCERCA
Required Materials Bring to class every day: –Writing Utensil –Chromebook w/Charger –Notebook/Binder/Folder