Discovery 2 Internetworking Module 3 JEOPARDY K. Martin
RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands Going Thru Going Thru The Phases The Phases Topologies Acronyms Name that Name that Cable Devices Cabling Grab Bag Grab Bag ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y ◄ ◄ ◄
Question A prototype is created and tested. Going Thru the Phases 100 A: What is Phase 2: Selection and Design?
Question A: What is Phase 1: Requirements Gathering? Information is gathered and an Analysis Report is created. Going Thru the Phases
Question A: What is Phase 5: Review and Evaluation? User experiences are compared with the customer’s goals. Going Thru the Phases 300
Question A: What is Phase 4: Implementation? The network is actively working in a production environment. Going Thru the Phases 400
Question A: What is Phase 3: Implementation? A schedule is created and followed which allows for unexpected events. Going Thru the Phases 500
Question A: What is logical topology? This topology includes the naming and IP addressing of end stations, router gateways, and other network devices. Topologies
Question A: What is physical topology? This type of topology consists of the wiring closet and the wiring to the individual end- user stations. Topologies 200
Question A: What is a star topology? In this type of physical topology, each device is connected via a single connection to a central point. Topologies 300
Question A: What is a full mesh topology? In this type of physical topology, every device has a connection to every other device. Topologies 400
Question A: What is a partial mesh (modified mesh) topology? In this type of physical topology, each device is connected to at least two other devices. Topologies 500
Question A: What is Point of Presence ? POP ACRONYMS 100
Question A: What is Main Distribution Facility? MDF ACRONYMS 200
Question A: What is Intermediate Distribution Facility? IDF ACRONYMS 300
Question A: What is polyvinyl chloride? PVC ACRONYMS 400
Question A: What is Electromagnetic Interference? EMI ACRONYMS 500
Question A: What is a straight-through cable? This cable is used to connect a switch to a PC. NAME THAT CABLE 100
Question A: What is a console cable or a rollover cable? This cable connects a computer to the console port of a router or switch to do initial configuration. NAME THAT CABLE 200
Question A: What is a crossover cable? This cable connects two computers to each other. NAME THAT CABLE 300
Question A: What is a serial cable? This cable is used to connect the router to an Internet connection. NAME THAT CABLE 400
Question A: What is a cross-over cable? This cable will connect a router to a computer. NAME THAT CABLE 500
Question A: What is the Cisco 2960 switch? This device offers Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet speeds to desktop configurations? DEVICES 100
Question A: What is an Integrated Services Router (ISR)? This device combines the functionality of switches, routers, access points, and firewalls into a single device. DEVICES 200
Question A: What is a wireless access point? DEVICES 300 This device allows computers and other devices, such as handheld IP phones, to wirelessly connect to the network or share broadband connectivity.
Question A: What is a Layer 1 hub? This device can forward data only out of all ports. DEVICES 400
Question A: What are routers? These devices interconnect local area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs). DEVICES 500
Question A: What is unshielded twisted pair (UTP)? This cable is inexpensive and is the most commonly used cable in an Ethernet environment. CABLING GRAB BAG 100
Question A: What is shielded twisted pair (STP)? This cabling has a foil shielding to protect from outside electromagnetic interference (EMI). CABLING GRAB BAG 200
Question A: What is fiber optic cable? This cable is not susceptible to EMI and can transmit data faster and farther than copper cable. CABLING GRAB BAG 300
Question A: What is coaxial cable? This cable has a solid copper core with braided wire shielding and a plastic covering. CABLING GRAB BAG 400
Question A: What is horizontal cabling? This type of cabling runs from the wall plate to the IDF in the distribution area. CABLING GRAB BAG 500
Question A: What is a site survey? Before a network upgrade can be properly designed, this is performed to document the existing network structure. Final Jeopardy