98 % of oils in market are synthetic or mixed with toxic chemical fillers.
What makes our oils different from other oils? 100% Purity – Organic, Highest Quality Seed to Seal Guarantee- Own Farms and Distilleries World Wide 20 years stable, 50+ Countries What makes our oils different from other oils? 100% Purity – Organic, Highest Quality Seed to Seal Guarantee- Own Farms and Distilleries World Wide 20 years stable, 50+ Countries is all about quality lifestyle
Peppermint A Few Uses for Peppermint: Indigestion /Heartburn Inflammation Fever Headache Alertness / Concentration Improved Digestion A Few Uses for Peppermint: Indigestion /Heartburn Inflammation Fever Headache Alertness / Concentration Improved Digestion Anti-inflammatory Anti-parasite Anti-viral Anti-bacterial Daily use to help with alertness and energy. Anti-fungal Pain relieving Digestive aid Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference.
Lavender Anti-Septic Anti-inflammation Reduces blood fat/cholesterol level Relaxant Daily use on bottoms of feet to aid in better sleep and use Young Living’s Lavender Hand & Body Lotion daily for dry skin relief. A Few Uses for Lavender: Sleep aid Burns and Cuts Headaches Allergies Inflammation Congestion/Stuffiness Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference.
Thieves Anti-microbial Anti-viral Anti-septic Anti-fungal Strengthens immune system Use this oil for any sickness that hits your house. Daily diffuse and put a drop in your drinking water for prevention. A Few Uses forThieves: Cold & Flu Strep Throat Toothaches Household Green Cleaning A Few Uses forThieves: Cold & Flu Strep Throat Toothaches Household Green Cleaning Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference.
Thieves Product Line Helping you create a cleaner, healthier home and body!
Frankincense Antitumoral (pubmed.gov) Anti-depressant Muscle relaxing Skin repair Immune system strengthener Respiratory Infections Daily use to lift mood and as a wrinkle repair. A Few Uses for Frankincense: Concentration Immune System Adrenal health Cancer/ Tumors Wrinkles/ Skin health Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference.
Lemon Improves circulation Immune system and lymph system stimulator Anti-viral Anti-bacterial Daily use lemon in glass water bottle to help increase lymph system function to flush out toxins. A Few Uses for Lemon: Air Freshener Lemonade Cleaning and Sanitizing Acne / Oily Skin digest plastics & chemicals A Few Uses for Lemon: Air Freshener Lemonade Cleaning and Sanitizing Acne / Oily Skin digest plastics & chemicals Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference.
Purification Disinfects Cleanses cuts and bites Insect repellant Anti-fungal Anti-bacterial A Few Uses for Purification: Insect bites/repellant Sore Throat Blisters Flu Eliminate Odors Neutralizes Mildew Acne Mix drops per 8 oz into spray bottle of water for bug, flea and tick repellant. Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference.
Peace & Calming Promotes relaxation Cleanses liver & lymph system Anti-anxiety Anti-depressant Stress reducer Daily apply to bottom of feet and shoulders to help aid in deep sleep. A Few Uses Peace & Calming: Sleep Overactive Children Relaxing Massage or Bath Teeth Grinding Anxiety Calms Anger and Irritability A Few Uses Peace & Calming: Sleep Overactive Children Relaxing Massage or Bath Teeth Grinding Anxiety Calms Anger and Irritability Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference.
Pan Away Reduces pain and inflammation Anti-spasmodic Numbing Anti-microbial Daily apply to shoulders and back to relieve tightness. Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference. A Few Uses for Pan Away: Anti-Inflammation Sprained ankles Pain: Menstrual, growing, arthritis, sciatic and muscles Heals Bruises Bone Building A Few Uses for Pan Away: Anti-Inflammation Sprained ankles Pain: Menstrual, growing, arthritis, sciatic and muscles Heals Bruises Bone Building
Valor Anti-infectious Anti-spasmodic Cleanses liver and lymph system Brings balance to body Emotional strength Daily use on bottoms of feet to help body self correct balance and alignment and for immune system to be strengthened. Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference. A Few Uses for Valor: Back Pain / Stiff Neck Joint Pain / Injury TMJ Sciatica Anxiety Sleep Apnea A Few Uses for Valor: Back Pain / Stiff Neck Joint Pain / Injury TMJ Sciatica Anxiety Sleep Apnea
Joy Stabilize mood swings. Uplifts spirits. Calm anxiety. Helps overcome grief and depression. Facts stated from Scientific studies on Pubmed.gov and the Essential Oil Desk Reference.
Every product in our company contains essential oils and no junk toxins Essential Oils increase absorption rate of nutritional products/supplements Everyone needs and desires superior nutrition Nutritional Supplements
1 oz. of Ningxia Red Equals the Antioxidant power of: 4 pounds of carrots 8 oranges 1 pint of orange juice 2 pounds of beets 3 cups of raspberries 2 cups of blueberries
Why use Ningxia Red? Strengthen your immune system Healthy and improved eye sight Reduce cholesterol Healthy joints, cardiovascular health Combat free radicals encountered daily through antioxidant support Fight and prevent cancer Lasting energy in the form of low glycemic calories Overcome Inflammation Increase Libido Naturally
ORAC Comparison
Before NingXia Red JuiceAfter NingXia Red Juice Blood of a volunteer before consuming 1 ounce of NingXia Red. Blood of same volunteer 15 minutes later! NingXia Red Results
Balance The Young Living Lifestyle: a 3 part approach Essential Oils Essential LivingComplete Nutrition Lifestyle Change for a healthier, vibrant, more energized YOU!
Home budget: Medicines/First Aid Typical household spends PER Year: $631 on medicines and supplies Benadryl Sore throat spray Sleeping pills Sunburn cream Pain cream (Biofreeze, Bengay, etc.) Pepto Bismol First aide ointment Pain medicine: headaches, cramps, PMS, etc Cold remedies Allergy medicine Typical YL household spends PER Year: $300 per year on essential oils to REPLACE all these over the counter meds. SAVINGS: $300 + on Your yearly Budget.
Consumer Economics Cost of medication: More than money Ingredients High fructose corn syrup, propylene glycol, Red No. 40 $8.29 Ingredients red 22, red 28, sallicyllic acid, red 27, aluminum, saccharin, sodium, talc $4.99 Ingredients FD&C Red No. 40, Flavors, Glycerin, Methylparahen $9.99 =$23.27 $21.50
Essential Nutrition: Antioxidants and Whole Food Dark berries are nutrient rich with amino acids, essential polysaccharide sugars, and other key nutrients for optimal health. What we should be eating weekly: $4.00 per carton of berries x 4 times/wk Per week = $16 Per month = $64 for one person For 2 people per mo = $128 For 4 people per mo = $256 For 6 people per mo = $ 384 Remember juice is not the same as whole food nutrition. Ningxia is a highly concentrated super whole food supplement. To get the nutrition we need for less: $1.15/oz = $33.50/month for one person For 2 = $67 For an extra savings a family of 4 or more: NR Essential Rewards Pack * = $ *Giving you 4 (25 oz) bottles and 30 (2 oz) singles
Household Cleaning: Replacing the toxins Typical Household Toilet bowl cleaner Kitchen counter cleaner Dish washing soap Laundry soap Fabreeze Bleach Window cleaner Disinfectant spray $480 per year Typical YL Household Thieves concentrated cleaner Replaces ALL cleaning products! $90 per year SAVINGS: $390 per year using Thieves instead!