The Palatine (Hill) According to legend, where the city was founded Archaeologists found huts and walls here from 10 th – 8 th centuries BC Wealthiest suburb
The Capitol (Capitoline Hill) Steep sides made it the easiest part of Rome to defend Only part of Rome that was not captured by Gauls in 390 BC the religious centre Home of the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus Best and Greatest two peaks, the Capitoline proper (southern) and the Arx (northern)
Subura heavily populated area on the Subura Way trades and manufacturing area High levels of crime, prostitution, and the poverty Inscriptions provide evidence of a Jewish synagogue Suetonius writes that Julius Caesar, once lived here Suetonius Juvenal refers to fires, falling rooftiles, assaults, and mille pericula saevae urbis, "the thousand dangers of a savage city" (Sat ).
Forum Romanum (The Roman Forum) most important forum the scene of public meetings, lawcourts, and gladiatorial combats (during Republic era) was lined with shops and open-air markets.
The Forum Romanum (Roman Forum)
Rostra = speaker’s platform Basilica = indoor shops / hall Getting too small and crowded, from the time of Julius Caesar there was a steady flow of new forums that were built No court houses, Court cases were held in the open space of the Forum, with curtains and Temporary barriers Built into the pillars around the forum Parades, funeral & religious processions & victory parades marched down the Sacred Way Old basilica New basilica Vegie market Goods market Political centre Speaker’s platforms Temple district Temple of Saturn (treasury) Senate House Fortress Cloaca Maxima stairs Government records Most imp. temple
Forum of Julius Caesar
Campus Martius
Location of the Cloaca Maxima