What is this the recipe for?
Fat for 7 bars of soap
Enough lime to whitewash a chicken coop
45 litres of water
Enough phosphorous to make 2200 matches
Carbon for 9000 pencils
Enough sulphur for a stink bomb
Enough iron to make a nail
What do you think these ingredients might make when mixed together?
But is this all you are? Is there something missing? Are humans really just a collection of physical elements?
Awe L/O: What is it that gives humans a sense of Awe.
What is a soul? ?
Do you know what a soul is? In pairs discuss what you think a Soul is. You have 3 minutes!
Draw a Picture of a person in your book and draw an arrow showing where you think the soul is.
A soul is something inside you, something invisible that is indescribable. What exactly is it then?
How does the video make you feel? Can you describe what the clip is about?
How you feel about the clip could be described as a feeling of awe.
Awe is something which can come from religious experience. As seen in the Prince of Egypt clip of Moses and the burning bush, Moses was having a religious experience and was in Awe of this experience.
Mysticism What is Mysticism? “the belief that there is hidden meaning in life or that each human being can unite with God”
So, mysticism is about uniting or interacting with God. How do different religions do this? Buddhists have mediation and Yoga which is their mystical dimension…
Do you need Mysticism within a religion? Discuss in pairs In what other ways may someone get a sense of awe from a religious practice?
Does a believer need to have a sense of awe in order to be part of a religion? Can a religion be a religion if it does not have a spiritual dimension?