Gabriel: It’s not easy being an angel! I am sure most of you have lofty ideas about what we do. And most expect that we are always welcomed graciously. Now I ask you, when is it the last time you asked God to show you an angel? ….. Just a thought. You might not know how to receive me or my message. Being an angel of mercy isn’t always the easiest job.
Gabriel: Remember the story of when Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den? Who was it that God sent to protect him? You guessed it…. an angel. Now that was a touchy assignment. However, my assignments have involved being an angel of message more than one of mercy. And some of my messages have been so unbelievable that the sight of an angel was needed for believability and acceptance.
Gabriel: And even if the sight of an angel did not faze some people, I’ve heard some pretty feeble excuses and faithless responses through the centuries. Approximately four thousand years ago a lady named Sarah laughed with doubt instead of expressing thanks for God’s gift, when angels told her husband, Abraham, that she would deliver a baby within a year. Now I ask you, If you’d been ninety years old, how would you have responded?
Gabriel: God so graciously replied ‘Is the anything too hard for the Lord?’ God: Gabriel, you are stalling. Deliver the message to Mary. Gabriel: But how can I know that she’ll (points to Mary) respond differently than some of the others? Accepting your will is not easy for them, Lord. Remember Moses? You provided a burning bush to get his attention.
Gabriel: I happened to be the one to draw his attention to the bush. Talk about excuses. Moses holds the record for excuses. When asked to deliver the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, he responded ‘I’m not the person for a job like that… no way, not me.’ Why, you’d never give God such a feeble excuse, would you?
Gabriel: Rather than expressing thanks to God for the gift of being able to represent God and being grateful that his people were being freed from slavery, Moses made excuses. God had to turn a shepherd’s rod into a snake and make Moses’ hand leprous, then clean again, in order for him to believe. But even when God shows his power, people often still find excuses.
Mary: I thank you, O Lord, for you are good; your love endures forever. I trust in your steadfast love forever and ever. I will thank you forever, because of what you have done. In the presence of the faithful I will proclaim your name, for it is good. Save us, O God our savior, that we may give thanks to your holy name, that we may glory in your praise. Praise be unto you, O Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.
Gabriel: Hmmm.. maybe she is different. She seems to have a thankful and submissive spirit. But, Lord, to tell her she is going to have a son…. your son…. without her ever being married. She’s so young! What if she doesn’t believe me? After all, it wasn’t that long ago that Zachariah didn’t believe my message about his wife Elizabeth, having a baby. Remember, you told me to tell him he wouldn’t be able to speak until the baby is born because of his unbelief.
Gabriel: He’s still waiting to talk! I am sure you would not want her silenced Lord. Why you would miss her praises. God: Gabriel. Give her the message. Gabriel: Yes, Lord. Now those are two words I haven’t heard much before from humans: ‘Yes, Lord’, simple, thankful, acceptance for the gifts given by God. (Mary is startled as she sees Gabriel)
Gabriel: Do not be afraid, Mary, for God has decided to wonderfully bless you. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name of Jesus. He will be great and will be called the son of God, and his kingdom will never end. Mary: How can this be, since I am a virgin? Gabriel: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of God shall overshadow you. Further news I share with you, concerns your relative Elizabeth.
Gabriel: She is going to have a child in her old age, already being in her sixth month. You see, Mary, nothing is impossible with God! Mary: I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to do whatever he wants. May everything you said come true. Gabriel: Well, what do you know? No excuses, no ‘what if’s’. Just plain simple: ‘Yes, Lord’. She’ll pay a high price for her acceptance of God’s plan, but I am sure nothing will outweigh the peace and joy she now has.
Gabriel: Acceptance does satisfy. Imagine, in her arms, she will cradle the God who for so long has cradled her. Mary: My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed. The Mighty One has done great things for me, holy is his name. The End