Hebrews and Hyksos Lesson 11
Joseph Joseph’s jealous brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. Joseph’s jealous brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. Bought by Potiphar (captain of the Pharaoh’s guard) Bought by Potiphar (captain of the Pharaoh’s guard)
Joseph Potiphar put Joseph in charge of everything, until P’s wife told a lie that got Joseph thrown into prison Potiphar put Joseph in charge of everything, until P’s wife told a lie that got Joseph thrown into prison
Joseph Joseph was put in charge of prison Joseph was put in charge of prison Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dreams for him, telling him that a famine was coming Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dreams for him, telling him that a famine was coming
Joseph Pharaoh (Sesostris II) made Joseph his vizier: 2 nd in command of Egypt Pharaoh (Sesostris II) made Joseph his vizier: 2 nd in command of Egypt Joseph helped store up crops, act as judge, and collected taxes Joseph helped store up crops, act as judge, and collected taxes
Joseph When Joseph’s brothers came to buy food, he forgave them for mistreating him When Joseph’s brothers came to buy food, he forgave them for mistreating him God rewarded Joseph for being faithful God rewarded Joseph for being faithful
End of the Middle Kingdom Last years were not peaceful Last years were not peaceful Hyksos: group that attacked Egypt and took whatever they wanted Hyksos: group that attacked Egypt and took whatever they wanted Horse-drawn chariot: new weapon invented by Hyksos people Horse-drawn chariot: new weapon invented by Hyksos people
End of the Middle Kingdom 1630 B.C.: Hyksos conquered Egypt; tried to act like Egyptians 1630 B.C.: Hyksos conquered Egypt; tried to act like Egyptians Hebrews (Joseph’s descendants) became powerful and held important positions Hebrews (Joseph’s descendants) became powerful and held important positions Hyksos forced Hebrews into slavery b/c they were afraid the Hebrews would take over Hyksos forced Hebrews into slavery b/c they were afraid the Hebrews would take over
End of the Middle Kingdom Ahmose (Egyptian prince) raised an army and drove out Hyksos, but did not free the Hebrews Ahmose (Egyptian prince) raised an army and drove out Hyksos, but did not free the Hebrews
New Kingdom ( B.C.) Ahmose became 1 st pharaoh of New Kingdom Ahmose became 1 st pharaoh of New Kingdom Invaded and conquered other lands; expanded Egypt’s empire Invaded and conquered other lands; expanded Egypt’s empire Greatest period of Egyptian history Greatest period of Egyptian history
Moses Moses: Hebrew child brought up in Pharaoh’s household Moses: Hebrew child brought up in Pharaoh’s household Received great education Received great education Left to become a shepherd Left to become a shepherd
Moses God spoke from a burning bush, calling Moses to return to Egypt and free his people God spoke from a burning bush, calling Moses to return to Egypt and free his people
Moses Pharaoh Amenhotep II at first refused to free slaves, so God sent 10 plagues on the Egyptians Pharaoh Amenhotep II at first refused to free slaves, so God sent 10 plagues on the Egyptians 1.Water turned to blood 2.Frogs 3.Lice 4.Flies/ Wild Animals 5.Diseased livestock 6.Boils 7.Hail and Thunder 8.Locusts 9.Darkness 10.Death of firstborn
Moses Amenhotep agreed to let Hebrews go, but changed his mind and chased them Amenhotep agreed to let Hebrews go, but changed his mind and chased them God allowed Hebrews to part through Red Sea on dry land, but Pharaoh’s army drowned God allowed Hebrews to part through Red Sea on dry land, but Pharaoh’s army drowned