Moses and the Presence of God


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Presentation transcript:

Moses and the Presence of God I. What was God’s instruction to Moses after the golden calf incident was over? A. God commanded Moses to go forward on their journey (Ex. 33:1). B. God reaffirmed His purpose to take them into the land (Ex. 33:1-3).

C. God indicated that He would send an angel to lead them instead of leading them personally (Ex. 33:2-3, Compare: Ex. 3:2; 14:19; 23:20; Is. 63:9; Deut. 4:37).

II. What was the response of the people to this news from God? A. The people mourned (Ex. 33:4-6; Compare: Gen. 27:38; Mt. 27:75). The Israelites may have wondered exactly what being led by “an angel” instead of “The Angel” would mean for them.

1. Would the pillar of cloud or fire no longer be there? 2. Would God still help them in battle? 3. Would the manna be taken away (Ex. 16:7)?

B. Moses sprang into action. Rather than running away from the Presence of the Lord as Adam had (Gen. 3:8), he ran to the Presence of God. 1. Moses set up the tent of meeting (Ex. 33:7-11).

2. Moses met with God and attempted to change His mind and not write the Israelites off as His People (Ex. 33:12-13).

C. Moses found favor or grace in the sight of the Lord (Ex. 33:14-17). 1. He indicated that if God did not go with them that he was not going either (Ex. 33:15). 2. He argued that he would have no authority with the people without God’s presence in the midst (Ex. 33:16).

3. He indicated that it would be hard to convince people that he was truly walking in the favor of the Lord if God did not confirm that fact with an obvious manifestation of His presence among them.

Moses seemed to have a clear idea of what it was to have the grace and favor of God on one’s life. If God’s favor or grace is upon you… It should be evident to all. It should be seen by God’s clear leading into His purposes. It should be confirmed by God’s abiding presence (Ex. 34:9).

III. What was Moses’ attitude about the presence of God? A. Moses first encountered the presence of God at the burning bush (Ex. 3:5; Acts 7:33). B. Moses was engulfed in the presence of God on Mount Sinai (Ex. 24:16).

C. Moses longed for an inside look at the glory of the Lord (Ex C. Moses longed for an inside look at the glory of the Lord (Ex. 33:18; Compare: Ps. 27:4). D. Moses was rewarded for his godly desire (Ex. 33:19-23; 34:5-7).

E. Moses knew that the worst judgment of all is to dwell outside of the presence of the Lord (Lev. 23:3; Ps. 51:11). 1. Cain went out from the presence of the Lord when he refused to repent (Gen. 4:16). 2. Uzziah was banned from the presence of the Lord after his sin of presumption (I Chr. 26:16).

IV. How did God manifest His presence in the wilderness? A. God manifested His presence in very positive experiences. B. God manifested His presence in some negative experiences.

V. Why did God instruct Moses to build a Tabernacle? God asked Moses to build Him a sanctuary so that He could dwell among or in the midst of His people (Ex. 25:8).

A. God’s heart has always been to be in and with His people (Num A. God’s heart has always been to be in and with His people (Num. 35:34; I Kg. 6:11-14; Ps. 132:13-14; John 14:17). B. God has always made provision for His dwelling among His people. C. God’s dwelling with man has always been on His terms and according to His pattern (Ex. 25:9).

VI. What does the Tabernacle of Moses teach us about approaching God’s presence? God has a proper way and an improper way of approach. If we are to experience His presence in full measure we must approach God the way He wants to be approached. He is the one that sets the terms for our relationship with Him.

A. God is a God of order and has a plan and a pattern for everything that He does. B. God is very detailed and exact about how he wants things done (I Chr. 15:13). C. God provided the pattern for every structure that He ever commanded to be built.

D. The glory of God can only fill that which is according to the pattern. E. The pattern of God cannot be violated if we are to experience the full blessing of God.

VII. How did God put His stamp of blessing on the Tabernacle? A. Moses was careful to do everything according to God’s pattern. B. God rewarded Moses for his carefulness by coming down in a glorious manifestation of His presence (Ex. 40:34-38).