EXODUS: God Delivers His People From Bondage in Egypt From Bondage to False Gods From Bondage to Sin
EXODUS: Key Verse “Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice and let Israel go?” (Exodus 5:2)
EXODUS: Major Characters Moses Pharaoh Aaron Above All: the Lord
EXODUS: Plot God fulfills His promise to Abraham by establishing a Covenant with his descendants. Moses becomes Israel’s “Great Deliverer” (reluctantly). Both Pharaoh & Israel learn who “the Lord” is.
EXODUS: Major Events Israel is enslaved in Egypt God calls Moses through the Burning Bush Ten Plagues convince Pharaoh to release Israel Institution of the Passover Establishment of the Covenant &Giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai Israel’s Rebellion against God Instructions for the Tabernacle
Exodus: Structure Chapters 1-25: Israel’s bondage, the plagues, the “going out,” the making of the Covenant. Chapters 26-40: The Tabernacle Why? B/c the Israelites needed to learn about God’s HOLINESS!
EXODUS: Lessons God always keeps His _________________ to His people. _____ ________ can stand against God’s power. God gives His laws for the __________ of His people. God is ____________, & He must be worshiped as He desires, not as ____ desire.