Moses Exodus 1-4
Exodus 1–4 Moses: The Early Years Exodus 5–12 10 plagues Exodus 13–15 The Red Sea Exodus 16–18 Manna, quail, and water from a rock. Exodus 19–24 10 Commandments Exodus 25–34 The Law of Moses Exodus 35–40 The tabernacle
Q& A About Exodus 1-2 Answer with a partner 1. How did the new pharaoh feel about the increase in the number of Israelites? (See Exodus 1:9–10.) 2. What did Pharaoh do about the increasing number of Israelites? (See Exodus 1:11.) 3. Since placing the Israelites in bondage did not slow their growth in numbers, what did Pharaoh do next? (Exodus 1:16) 4. What did the Hebrew midwives do in response to Pharaoh’s edict? (See Exodus 1:17.) 5. How did Pharaoh respond when he learned that the midwives had not obeyed his command? (See Exodus 1:18–19, 22.) 6.What did Moses’ mother do to save her son? (See Exodus 2:1–5) 7.How was his mom still able to be involved in his upbringing? (See Exodus 2:8–10) 8.Why did Moses flee to Midian? (see Exodus 2:11–15) 9.What was Moses’ wife’s name? (See Exodus 2:16-22) 10.What does the name Moses mean? (Exodus 2:10)
An application ▪ Look back at Exodus 1: ▪ What does it mean to “fear God”? ▪ What are some modern-day challenges that could be likened to what the Israelite midwives faced? “There will be times when you … will have to demonstrate your righteous courage in plain view of your peers and the consequence may be ridicule and embarrassment. … He will reward you for your courage and righteous behavior with happiness and joy. Such courage will be a byproduct of your faith, your prayers, and your obedience.” (“Be Valiant in Courage, Strength, and Activity,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 52). JOURNAL: What is something you are currently doing to put the Lord first in your life?
Midwives Moses’ mother Moses’ sister Pharaoh’s daughter Zipporah Young Men only: What impresses you most about the girls and women in your life? What effect did each woman have on Moses’ life?
Exodus 3:1-12 ▪ When have you felt that you were standing on holy ground? ▪ The burning bush….Have you ever had the Holy Ghost cause something to ‘remain’ in your mind? ▪ When have you felt inadequate like Moses when asked to do something? What did you do?
Why would the Savior use the title “I AM” for Himself? CAST NOT AWAY YOUR CONFIDENCE: HINT: What is the opposite of “I am”
Elder Holland, “Today, the Most Important Day of your Life” BYU-Idaho Devotional 1982
MOSESSIMILARITIESJESUS CHRIST Exodus 1:15–16, 22; 2:1–3 Matthew 2:13–16 Exodus 3:7–102 Nephi 6:17 Moses 1:1, 8, 11Matthew 4:8, footnote a Moses 1:12–22Matthew 4:3–11 Exodus 4:19Matthew 2:19–20
MOSESSIMILARITIESJESUS CHRIST Exodus 1:15–16, 22; 2:1–3 Both escaped a decree of death while in their infancy. Matthew 2:13–16 Exodus 3:7–102 Nephi 6:17 Moses 1:1, 8, 11Matthew 4:8, footnote a Moses 1:12–22Matthew 4:3–11 Exodus 4:19Matthew 2:19–20
MOSESSIMILARITIESJESUS CHRIST Exodus 1:15–16, 22; 2:1–3 Both escaped a decree of death while in their infancy. Matthew 2:13–16 Exodus 3:7–10Both were called to deliver2 Nephi 6:17 Moses 1:1, 8, 11Matthew 4:8, footnote a Moses 1:12–22Matthew 4:3–11 Exodus 4:19Matthew 2:19–20
MOSESSIMILARITIESJESUS CHRIST Exodus 1:15–16, 22; 2:1–3 Both escaped a decree of death while in their infancy. Matthew 2:13–16 Exodus 3:7–10Both were called to deliver2 Nephi 6:17 Moses 1:1, 8, 11 Both were carried away by the Spirit to a high mountain Matthew 4:8, footnote a Moses 1:12–22Matthew 4:3–11 Exodus 4:19Matthew 2:19–20
MOSESSIMILARITIESJESUS CHRIST Exodus 1:15–16, 22; 2:1–3 Both escaped a decree of death while in their infancy. Matthew 2:13–16 Exodus 3:7–10Both were called to deliver2 Nephi 6:17 Moses 1:1, 8, 11 Both were carried away by the Spirit to a high mountain Matthew 4:8, footnote a Moses 1:12–22Confrontations with Satan.Matthew 4:3–11 Exodus 4:19Matthew 2:19–20
MOSESSIMILARITIESJESUS CHRIST Exodus 1:15–16, 22; 2:1–3 Both escaped a decree of death while in their infancy. Matthew 2:13–16 Exodus 3:7–10Both were called to deliver2 Nephi 6:17 Moses 1:1, 8, 11 Both were carried away by the Spirit to a high mountain Matthew 4:8, footnote a Moses 1:12–22Confrontations with Satan.Matthew 4:3–11 Exodus 4:19Remained in exile until the king died.Matthew 2:19–20
Concerns and Responses MOSES’S CONCERNSTHE LORD’S RESPONSES 1. Exodus 3:11 Who am I to be able to do what you have asked? 1. Exodus 3:12 I will be with you. 2. Exodus 3:13 Who should I tell them sent me? 2. Exodus 3:14–17 Tell them I Am sent you unto them. (You might need to explain that “I Am” is another name for Jehovah.) 3. Exodus 4:1 But they will not believe me or listen to me. They will say I am lying. 3. Exodus 4:2–9 Perform the three signs that I will give you (turn a rod into a snake, display a hand bearing leprosy, and turn water into blood). 4. Exodus 4:10 I have never been a good speaker. I am slow of speech. 4. Exodus 4:11–12 I made your mouth, and I will be with you and teach you what to say. 5. Exodus 4:13 Please, Lord, send someone else. 5. Exodus 4:14–17 I will make Aaron a spokesman for you and teach you what to do. What are some doctrines and principles we could learn from the Lord’s response to Moses’s concerns?
Question from the Learning Assessment What did the Lord tell Moses when he expressed concern about his calling to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt? a.He told Moses never doubt or question a calling. b.He told Moses to get a blessing from Abraham. c.He told Moses that He would give him power to accomplish His work.
“Now, some of you may be shy by nature or consider yourselves inadequate to respond affirmatively to a calling. Remember that this work is not yours and mine alone. It is the Lord’s work, and when we are on the Lord’s errand, we are entitled to the Lord’s help. Remember that whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies” (“Duty Calls,” Ensign, May 1996, 44).
Moses Exodus 1-4