Pearl & Dean The Cinema Audience & Their Cars
The Cinema Audience & Cars 39% are the main driver 21% are the main decision maker in model choice 33% share the choice with partner On average cinema goer spends 3.7 hours / week travelling by car Source: TGI 2011 Base all medium and heavy users of cinema
Word Of Mouth Strong For Cinema Goers When it comes to talking about cars the cinema audience leads the way; Source: TGI 2011 Base all medium and heavy users of media specified % Of Audience
Cinema Goers Are An Influential Audience Compared to other media the cinema audience are more likely to persuade others; Source: TGI 2011 Base all medium and heavy users of media specified % Of Audience
Source: TGI 2011 Base all medium and heavy users of media specified CinemaTVRadioInternet My car should express my personality (all agree) 17%11%12%16% I would choose a car mainly on looks19%17% 19% My car should get peoples attention11%7%9%10% For cinema goers a car is very much a status symbol and thing to show off; Image Is Key To The Cinema Audience
Source: TGI 2011 Base all medium and heavy users of media specified Decision Making Criteria – Car Purchase Top 5 criteria when talking to the cinema audience; –Reliability:25% –Price: 24% –Fuel Consumption:23% –Comfort:21% –Build Quality:18%
Pop Quiz – The Best Movie Car Chase Rank in order: Source: July 2008 Pearl & Dean Online Poll – 3000 responses The French Connection BullitThe Italian Job Bourne Identity Batman Begins The RockThe Blues Brothers RoninCasino Royale Goldfinger