Radio’s Advertising Power ReachReach FrequencyFrequency TargetabilityTargetability Consumer Influence Power of Sound
New Media Landscape Sources: XM and Sirius, 1/06; Arbitron/Edison, 2006; Arbitron RADAR 85, June, In Millions
New Media Landscape Sources: XM and Sirius, 1/06; Arbitron/Edison, 2006; Arbitron RADAR 85, June, In Millions Million Satellite Radios 681,000 Satellite Weekly Cume Media Audit, Million Satellite Radios 681,000 Satellite Weekly Cume Media Audit, 2005
New Media Landscape # Of Receivers In Millions # Of Receivers In Millions Sources: RAB, 2005; R.L. Polk,
230 Nationally Radio Continues To Grow Source: RADAR 85, Spring, Weekly Cume In Millions 12+ Weekly Cume In Millions
20 Source: RAB, Broadcast Revenues 2005 Revenues In Billions Revenues Nationally Radio Continues To Grow
Radio Marketing Guide & Fact Book
Reach At home In the car At work OtherOther
Reach At home In the car At work OtherOther
Reach At home In the car At work OtherOther
Reach At home In the car At work OtherOther
Reach At home In the car At work OtherOther
Frequency Repetition Sells AffordableAffordable Time Spent Listening
Frequency Repetition Sells AffordableAffordable Time Spent Listening
Targetability Loyal audiences Specific formats DemosLife-stylesEthnicity DemosLife-stylesEthnicity
The Power of Sound Imagery Transfer Close your eyes… can you see this TV spot? Bud-weis-er Theater of the mind IntrusiveIntrusive
Consumer Influence RAEL Studies Relevance Synergy ROI RAEL Studies Relevance Synergy ROI
Consumer Influence – Study I Personal Relevance, Personal Connections Personal Relevance, Personal Connections Wirthlin WorldwideWirthlin Worldwide Published August, 2004Published August, 2004 Radio is more RELEVANT, TARGETED and PERSONAL than TV or NewspaperRadio is more RELEVANT, TARGETED and PERSONAL than TV or Newspaper Wirthlin WorldwideWirthlin Worldwide Published August, 2004Published August, 2004 Radio is more RELEVANT, TARGETED and PERSONAL than TV or NewspaperRadio is more RELEVANT, TARGETED and PERSONAL than TV or Newspaper
Consumer Influence – Study I Study Scale “I feel like the advertisements are directed more toward me personally.” Favors Television 17Perception of Medium Favors Radio 4.4 Perception favors Radio
Consumer Influence – Study 1 Advertisements in this medium are more honest The advertisements are concise I feel like the advertisements are directed more toward me personally Advertisements in this medium are reliable I am more likely to trust the advertising in this medium I get more exposure to advertisements for local products and services I can do other things while absorbing the advertising in this medium I am more likely to trust the advertising Provides me with last minute info about products/services before I shop More likely to get a good deal on the products/services that I purchase I’m less likely to waste money buying products/services that I don’t want Advertisers who use this medium care more about reaching me personally Advertisements make me feel more connected to my community Radio more than TV is associated with… Mean (rated on a scale of 1 to 7)
Consumer Influence – Study 1 “If done correctly, Radio ads can really hold my attention – I can feel like someone is actually speaking directly to me.” (Only Radio received such comments.) Respondent 313
Consumer Influence – Study 1 Advertisements are creative The advertising is this medium is more interesting and engaging Advertisements in this medium are intrusive I feel like the ads are directed more toward me personally Ads do a better job of reaching the people they are meant for I can do other things while absorbing the advertising in this medium The advertisements are more likely to hold my attention Remember ad longer because ads in this medium have more impact on me These advertisements are more likely to open my mind to new ideas Advertisers who use this medium are trying harder to reach me Advertisers who use this medium care more about reaching me personally Advertisements are more fun Radio more than Newspaper is associated with… Mean (rated on a scale of 1 to 7)
Consumer Influence – Study 1 “They come up with creative ideas to catch your attention…It makes me actually listen to the ad. I end up buying the product.” Respondent 107
Consumer Influence – Study II SynergySynergy The Pre-Testing CompanyThe Pre-Testing Company Published December, 2004Published December, 2004 Reducing TV or Newspaper and adding Radio increases recallReducing TV or Newspaper and adding Radio increases recall The Pre-Testing CompanyThe Pre-Testing Company Published December, 2004Published December, 2004 Reducing TV or Newspaper and adding Radio increases recallReducing TV or Newspaper and adding Radio increases recall
Consumer Influence – Study II SynergySynergy - or - Unaided Recall +34 %
Consumer Influence – Study II SynergySynergy - or - Unaided Recall +180 %
Consumer Influence – Study III ROIROI Millward-Brown and Information Resources, Inc. (IRI)Millward-Brown and Information Resources, Inc. (IRI) Published June, 2005Published June, 2005 Reducing TV and adding Radio improves ROIReducing TV and adding Radio improves ROI Replacing TV with Radio improves ROI even moreReplacing TV with Radio improves ROI even more Millward-Brown and Information Resources, Inc. (IRI)Millward-Brown and Information Resources, Inc. (IRI) Published June, 2005Published June, 2005 Reducing TV and adding Radio improves ROIReducing TV and adding Radio improves ROI Replacing TV with Radio improves ROI even moreReplacing TV with Radio improves ROI even more
Consumer Influence – Study III ROIROI Real-world test of four advertisersReal-world test of four advertisers Adding incremental radio to TV gave a 4% lift in salesAdding incremental radio to TV gave a 4% lift in sales Radio alone showed 49% better ROI than TV aloneRadio alone showed 49% better ROI than TV alone Real-world test of four advertisersReal-world test of four advertisers Adding incremental radio to TV gave a 4% lift in salesAdding incremental radio to TV gave a 4% lift in sales Radio alone showed 49% better ROI than TV aloneRadio alone showed 49% better ROI than TV alone