Grazing Crops – My Experience Scott Welke - Welke Farming Cascades
Welke Farming – Enterprise Overview 12,500 ha - Coomalbidgup to Cascades Cropping 9,000 ha, Pasture 3,500 ha Annual Rainfall 500mm (Coomalbidgup) to 350mm (Cascades) 8,500 Ewes (5,500 Merino, 3,000 Crossbred – White Suffolk) Improved pastures – Perennials 500ha (Rhodes Grass with serradella base (Cadiz and Santorini) Program to introduce 200ha of Santorini per year on the sandplain soils
Why I started Grazing Crops Before 2010 – Opportunistic grazing of poor barley crops 2010 – Not enough serradella seed to sow planned area of old sub-clover stands To overcome weed problems associated with those stands, why not crop these areas and graze to achieve weed control and provide needed sheep feed “ More crop area – same sheep No’s ”
What I did in 2010 Sourced Wylah grazing wheat Sowed 2 paddocks 8 th April following 20mm of rain 100kg/ha seeding rate into canola stubble (paddocks continuously cropped for 7 years – grass weeds should have been under control!) Sown with 90kg/ha MAPSCZ / Urea Blend Trifluralin applied pre-sowing - 1.6L/ha 2 summer weed control applications for fleabane, melons and flatweed
Paddock 1 – Cascades -1 st Grazing After sowing – NO RAIN Crops emerged and grew OK but then ran into moisture stress at 3-4 leaf (When grazing would normally be considered) Deferred grazing as concerned about excessive crop damage THEN – 100mm of rain in mid May Grain & Graze trial paddock - Sheep introduced a week later ewes plus 850 lambs on 90 Ha 23 effective grazing days 50L UAN applied 3 days after grazing finished
2 nd Grazing 6 th July ( 3 weeks after 1 st grazing finished) introduced 1500 ewes plus 1350 lambs (82ha – 8 ha fenced off for Grain & Graze trial) Initial moisture stress before 1 st grazing meant rapid regrowth and accelerated change from vegetative to reproductive – early head development evident in some plants Held grazing period to 6 days only – concerned for crop yield 50L/ha UAN applied immediately
Post Grazing More rain – another 100mm in June / July Therefore water-logging became an issue and ryegrass went ballistic – no option to control Nitrogen losses from leaching / water logging Let crop run until harvest
Post Grazing Crop showing yellowing from water logging
Poor Ryegrass control in Wylah Wheat GrazedUngrazed
Paddock 2 - Coomalbidgup Grazed similar to Cascades 2 nd grazing – not enough sheep to crash graze it fast enough Moved and extra 800 hoggets onto paddock to try to get on top of it Crop was too advanced – in head in JULY!
Plan B – Graze more cropping paddocks Sheep removed from Paddock 1 (after Grazing crops field day) – moved onto 270 ha of barley / wheat Mob stayed on this paddock for 3 weeks - removed in early August On 2 other farms, similar size mobs moved onto 200ha baudin barley paddocks – June sown Ryegrass control better – a proper herbicide regime worked Yield penalty minimal
BEETLES 2010 Grazed Crops
What I learnt – plans for 2011 Any crop can be grazed – doesn’t need to be termed a “Grazing cereal” Monitoring growth stage essential for negligible effect on crop yield Spread out sowing dates for planned grazing crop paddocks 800ha of cereals planned for grazing this year Sheep scour – mineral licks and roughage will be trialed this year Pea area becoming vetch area – will be grazed