CONTENTS Situation of the Problem Solution methodology (CFD) Boundary Conditions The Previous Model The LMCh5 Model The Closed Model Conclusions Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
SITUATION OF THE PROBLEM Types: – BIS, BIL – BMS, BML – BOS, BOL Concerned by: – Temperature – Air velocities THE ATLAS BARREL MUON CHAMBERS Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
CONTENTS Situation of the Problem Solution methodology (CFD) Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
SOLUTION METHODOLOGY (CFD) CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) is a method allowing to simulate on computer a wide range of phenomena linked to fluid mechanic (flow analysis, thermodynamic, heat transfer...) Fluid mechanics equations numerically solved Domain splitted into cells Flow behaviour spatially uniform Physical gradients Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001 cell+neighbours discretisation or mesh
THE MESH 100’000 elements Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
CONTENTS Situation of the Problem Solution Methodology (CFD) Boundary Conditions Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
THE UX15 VENTILATION SYSTEM BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS THE 2D “SECTION” Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
CONTENTS Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001 Situation of the Problem Solution methodology (CFD) Boundary Conditions The Previous Model
Results: Quite optimistic Middle axis chambers: most solicitated Minor influence of the racks Problems: MDT’s heat load: 30mmW/channel Not distributed inlet THE PREVIOUS MODEL (LMCh3) Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
CONTENTS Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001 Situation of the Problem Solution methodology (CFD) Boundary Conditions The Previous Model The LMCh5 Model
NEWS LMCh5 MODEL Heat load of the MDTs’ electronics Distributed inlet Transient calculation Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS LMCh5 MODEL Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS LMCh5 MODEL ( * ) corresponding to 65mW/channel Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October sec : VELOCITY MAP LMCh5 MODEL
CONTENTS Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001 Situation of the Problem Solution methodology (CFD) Boundary Conditions The Previous Model The LMCh5 Model The Closed Model
WHAT’S NEXT? Gaps between chambers: closed + porosity MCh: solids with conduction RPC’s non conducting heating surfaces Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001 Status: - Geometry completely finished - Geometry successfully transferred to StarCD - At present: definition of new boundary conditions
CMCh MODEL Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
CONTENTS Situation of the Problem Solution methodology (CFD) Boundary Conditions The Previous Model The LMCh5 Model The Closed Model Conclusions Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
CONCLUSIONS Global understanding of the case study Velocity doesn’t reach high values Temperature gradients could be over the constraints Medium axis chambers: most solicitated being done Closed Muon Chambers (CMCh) study being done Next step Next step: 3D simplified model Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001
STUDY OF THE AIR TEMPERATURE AND VELOCITY AROUND THE ATLAS MUON CHAMBERS Emma Vigo Castellvi ST/CV Design Study of the Air Temperature and Velocity Around the ATLAS Muon Chambers Emma Vigo, ST/CV, 15 October 2001 See also: