鲁迅小学教育集团 陈燕娜. woodman 做任何你想做的动作 : I am a woodman, run,run ; (你就被施了咒语,像木头人那样停下来) I am a woodman, jump,jump; I am a woodman, take off the jacket, take.


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Presentation transcript:

鲁迅小学教育集团 陈燕娜


做任何你想做的动作 : I am a woodman, run,run ; (你就被施了咒语,像木头人那样停下来) I am a woodman, jump,jump; I am a woodman, take off the jacket, take off the jacket ; I am a woodman …. I am a woodman ! (我是一个木头人)

你可以通过说: Can I … ? 若答案是 “Yes,you can.” 你则可以恢复运动; 若答案是 “No, you can’t.” 继续等待拯救你的人。 如何解除咒语,获得自由? Eg: Sing 、 dance 、 jump 、 run 、 fly 、 sleep wash the shirt 、 set the table 、 sweep the floor play sports 、 play football 、 draw pictures drink the coffee 、 eat the chicken …

Jacket shirt sweater skirt dress vest T-shirt hat cap coat

What’s the weather like today ? It’s _______ today. warm 25 C Mmm! It’s warm today! Take off your jacket!

What’s the weather like today ? It’s _______ today.hot 36 C Phew! It’s hot today! Put on your T-shirt!

What’s the weather like today ? It’s _______ today.cool 15 C Ooooh! It’s cool today! Put on your sweater!

What’s the weather like today ? It’s _______ today.cold 0 C Brrr! It’s cold today! Put on your coat!

Can I wear my new…? It’s hot! Yes, you can. No, you can’t. It’s cool!

1 、 一个学生拿一张天气的卡片(不能被对方看到),另一个学生问: Can I wear my new … ? 2 、若说的服装适合这个天气穿的,则是赢家,可以惩罚对方(刮鼻子, 拍手,扭屁股等); Play games coat cool/cold pants shoes jeanssocks cap hat jacket sweater sunglasses warm/hot shorts vest T-shirt shirt dress skirt pants shoesjeans socks hat cap

coat sunglasses warm/hot cool/cold pants shorts shoes jeans socks vestT-shirt cap hat jacket shirt sweater dressskirt Tips: May be some clothes are suit for each season. You can choose the one you like best.( 如果一些服装 一年四季都适宜,那就挑选你最爱的穿吧!)

Can Mike wear his new shirt on the third day? Can Mike wear his new shirt on the second day? Listen and answer the questions: Can Mike wear his new shirt on the first day? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. (第一天) (第二天) (第三天)

Let’s go to Australia! ( 澳大利亚 ) Gray wolfRed wolf Really?

Can I swim( 游泳 ) ?Yes, you can.

Aha, can I eat ice-cream? Yes, you can. Great!

Can I wear my new sweater today? No,you can’t. It’s hot today. Wu, wu….

Can I wear my new T-shirt today ? No,you can’t. It’s too big. Wu, wu….

Can I wear my new shirt today ? Yes,you can. Great! Let’s go!!

It is cold in Austria!! It’s 37 F. Why

1 、 When it’s hot in China, it’s cold in Australia. 2 、 It’s 37 F=2 C It’s 98 F= 37 C Tips (小提示) : Why

: Let’s go to Australia! : Really? Can I swim ? : Aha, Can I eat ice-cream? :Can I wear my new sweater today? :Can I wear my new T-shirt today? :Can I wear my new shirt today? : Yes, you can . :Yes, you can . :No, you can’t .It’s too big. :No, you can’t .It’s hot today. :Wu, Wu…. Oh, no !!!! It’s too cold. Why? : Yes, you can . : Great! :Wu, Wu…. :Let’s go!! ( 澳大利亚) !     

Homework: 1.Listen and read page Try to act out the story, come on!

I ’ m v e r y h a p p y ! T h a n k y o u f o r e v e r y o n e ! B y e - b y e !