Save me, O L ORD, from evil men; from violent men protect my way, for evil schemes are in their hearts, and war they stir up ev’ry day. Like snakes, their tongues have sharpened tips with vipers’ poison on their lips. [Sing to the Lord 140]
2. Keep me, O L ORD, from wicked hands; from men of violence set me free, for they conspire to trip my feet. The proud have hidden snares for me; they spread the meshes of their net, and on my pathway traps are set.
3. O L ORD, I say, “You are my God.” L ORD, listen to my cry for aid. O Sov’reign L ORD, my Saviour strong, in battle you protect my head. Refuse the wicked their desire; to shame them, make their plots misfire.
4. O L ORD, let those who hem me in be overwhelmed by their own lies. Let burning coals upon them fall; from deepest pits may they not rise. May liars find no place to stay, the vi-o-lent be swept away.
5. I know it is the L ORD alone whose judgment vindicates the poor; it is the L ORD who will uphold and make the needy’s cause secure. To you the righteous praise will give; the upright in your sight will live. Sing to the Lord 140 Used with permission Text: Sing Psalms, © Psalmody Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 2003, alt. Tune: Jeremiah Ingalls, 1764–1828