Happiness and Education: A research on Values based Education Paola Cubas Barragán
1. The context 2. Theoretical Framework 3. Jugar y Vivir los Valores 4. Hypothesis 5. Data base Variables and Questionnaire 6. Methodology 7. Results 8. Conclusions
Theoretical Framework Basic Education The school Values Values Apprehension
Theoretical Framework Values based Education Cultural analysis according to Geert Hofstede Mexican case
Hypothesis Values based Education has a positive impact on children's well-being. This impact may change according to the values 'scheme under which the child has been brought up.
Jugar y Vivir los Valores - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Living Values - Ministery of Education - Chiapas - Reinforce the official program while focusing on those contents which are related to values. - Teachers' handbooks and CD's
Pedagogy Experiment Question Verify Deliberate (Lonergan 2006)
Objectives 1.Jugar y Vivir los Valores ~ Values Apprehension 2.Values ~ Well-being 3.Different Impact
Survey Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas 6 schools 4 th and 6 th grade 471 questionnaires
Variables Age / Grade Gender Attendance JVLV schools Self-esteem. Affective and phsycological
Variables Well-being –Subjective Well-being Relationship with parents Values Apprehension
Data Base - Questionnaire 1.Self-esteem (Garduño) How responsible do you consider yourself? Very responsible Responsible Little ResponsibleNot so responsible 2.Subjective Well-being - Cummins Values Children reactions to daily circumstances
Descriptive statistics SVPWISelf-eValues JVLV Trad
Descriptive statistics SVPWISelf-eValues JVLVgirls boys Tradgirls boys
Methodology 3SLS Hypothesis 1: JVLV impacts positively childrens values apprehension Ho : Hi:
VALUES Well-being
Hypothesis 2: Values based education has a positive impact on childrens well-being Ho: Hi: Hypothesis 3: This impact varies according to the values scheme under which the child has been brought up
Results for PWI PWIMod1 Mod3Mod4 Father R.0.09** Mother R.0.19**0.16** Values1.97**5.44**5.32** Fem – Val *-0.49* Grade Values JVLV0.25**0.31**0.33** Age Female0.40**0.37**0.36** Self-esteem0.01** Const2.70**42.9**3.21**3.82** Obs * sig 5% ** sig 1%
PWI Results JVLV VALUES P W I This impact varies according to the values scheme under which the child has been brought up
Results Life Satisfaction SVValues Father R.0.14** Mother R.0.12** Values3.01** Fem – Val-0.09 Grade-7.2** JVLV0.35** Female0.37** Self-esteem 0.01** Const.50.8**3.80** Obs.456 * sig 5% **sig 1%
Results Life Satisfaction JVLV VALUES P W I
Conclusions JVLV has a positive impact on values apprehension Values based education has a positive impact on childrens well- being. There is a different impact according to the well-being measure
Final considerations It would be valuable to have a longitudinal study There was not enought information from parents Interdisciplinary work
Happiness and Education: A research on Values based Education Paola Cubas Barragán