WP3: MAPPING EXERCISE Nikola Bitrak Dejan Georgiev WEB-MOB Meeting, Belgrade, May 5, 2006 MASA
Results from the mapping exercise Results from the mapping exercise Data obtained mainly from: Number of research institutionsType Research area 71 university54 life sciences22 health6 energy6 IT8 public research institutions15 socio-economic sciences 12 biotechnology 2 materials and production5 other2 food 2 environment 4 agriculture 3 nanotechnologies1
No.NameTypeResearch areaDepartments 7 Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics (IIBHG), Faculty of MedicineUniversityHealth//// 8Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of MedicineUniversityHealth//// 9 Department of Psychoneurophysiology, Pediatric Clinic, Faculty of MedicineUniversityHealth//// 10 Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Public Research InstituteLife Science//// FacilitiesAddressCity/RegionWeb-site ////Gazi Baba b.b Skopje //// 50. Divizija No. 6, PO Box Skopjewww.immunology.edu.mk ////50. Divizija No Skopje//// Vodnjanska Skopjewww.manu.edu.mk/ped ////Bul. Krste Misirkov Skopjewww.manu.edu.mk Mapping exercise - example
Institutional infrastructure for research and technological development Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts universities research and development units regional research associations
Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, MASA MASA is comprised of 5 departments and 5 research centers: Departments: - Department of Mathematical and Technical Sciences; - Department of Biological and Medical Sciences; - Department of Arts; - Department of Linguistic and Literary Sciences; - Department of Social Sciences. R esearch centers: - Research Center of Energy, Informatics and Materials. ICEIM; - Research Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (RCGEB); - Lexicographic Center; - Center for Areal Linguistics; - Center for Strategic Research. MASA has 41 full members (academicians), one honorary member and 33 foreign members. In the period , 146 research projects were completed.
Universities 3 state universities (Ss. Cyril and Methodius - Skopje, St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola, The State University in Tetovo) 1 private university (The Southeastern European University – Tetovo) 1 private faculty (Faculty of Social Sciences - Skopje) - Within these universities there are 37 faculties, 2 high vocational schools and an interdisciplinary studies programme
Research and Development Units - The research and development centers operate within the framework of private companies in the industry sector, and according to the records of the Ministry of Education and Science their total number is The research and development centers operate within the framework of private companies in the industry sector, and according to the records of the Ministry of Education and Science their total number is 30.
Regional research associations - There are 6 regional research centers within the non - governmental sector, that are also included in the establishment of the institutional network in the domain of science. - There are 6 regional research centers within the non - governmental sector, that are also included in the establishment of the institutional network in the domain of science.
Research projects financed by Ministry of Education and Science ( ) Field of Sciences Number of projects % per field of science Resourcs (in Euros) % per field of science Natural Sciences and Mathematics Technical Medical Biotechnical Social The Humanities TOTAL Source: Ministry of Education and Science Source: EU Questionnaire, Chapter 17, Science and research, May, 2005
Development projects financed by the Ministry of Education and Science ( ) Field of Sciences Number of project % per field of science Resourcs (in Euros) % per field of science Natural Sciences and Mathematics Technical Medical Biotechnical TOTAL Source: Ministry of Education and Science Source: EU Questionnaire, Chapter 17, Science and research, May, 2005
Employees within the research and development activity according to the sector of performance - The data in the above table shows a trend of continuous outflow of academic personnel from our country as a result of the intensifying process of brain-drain and job-restrictions. Year Total Business Sector Government Sector Higher Education Source: State Statistical Office, Statistical Survey: Scientific Research and Development in RM Source: EU Questionnaire, Chapter 17, Science and research, May, 2005
Some other indices of the RTD 1. Gross domestic expenditure on research and technological development (RTD) – ratio to gross domestic product (GDP) 2. Gross government expenditure on RTD – ratio to GDP Year Gross domestic expenditure on RTD/GDP Source: State Statistical Office Year Internal expenditure on RTD in the government sector/GDP Source: State Statistical Office Source: EU Questionnaire, Chapter 17, Science and research, May, 2005
Some other indices of the RTD 3. Gross higher education expenditure on RTD – ratio to GDP 4. Gross business enterprise expenditure on RTD – ratio to GDP, ratio to gross government expenditure Year Higher education expenditure on RTD/GDP Source: State Statistical Office Year Gross business enterprise expenditure on RTD/GDP Gross business enterprise expenditure on RTD/gross government expenditure Source: State Statistical Office Source: EU Questionnaire, Chapter 17, Science and research, May, 2005
Thank you for your attention!