1/11/20161 Tobacco – The Truth! Learning Target: I can explain the risks of using tobacco products and the impact on my health. Success Criteria: I can name two common respiratory diseases connected to smoking. I can list three health risks associated with tobacco products. Entry Task: 1. List 5 words that summarize what you’re learning today.
1/11/20162 Tobacco: What is it? Tall, leafy plant Leaves can be burned and inhaled: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc Can be absorbed through the mouth: chew Nicotine is the drug in tobacco Nicotine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant
In Washington State … Adult smoking rate has dropped to a new low –Dropped 26% since % of adult residents smoke (2007) 6 th lowest smoking rate among all states 20% of 12 th graders smoke –If a person does not try tobacco before the age of 18 it is unlikely they will ever become a user
1/11/20164 Statistics 3,000 American kids become regular smokers a day 438,000 Americans die each year from cigarettes 160,000 Americans get lung cancer from cigarettes 10 times greater to get lung cancer than non- smoker Twice as likely to develop heart disease 1/5 deaths in this country is caused from tobacco
Tobacco use at TJH… Agree or Disagree Do teens use tobacco products to fit in? Is tobacco used amongst kids at TJH? E-cigs are more common than cigarettes for teens. You’ll be fine if you only try cigarettes once. Hand out group Q’s. 1/11/20165
Tobacco is ADDICTING!! Addiction is defined as: –A strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something OR –A compulsive need for and use of a habit- forming substance characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal 1/11/20166
7 Ways Tobacco is ADDICTIVE: Physical Addiction: Alters brain functioning –Most people smoke compulsively; few people can smoke occasionally. Nicotine is a ‘reinforcing’ drug – Many smokers continue to smoke in order to avoid painful withdrawal symptoms. Dangerous effects not obvious in the beginning
1/11/2016 Ways Tobacco is ADDICTIVE: Psychosocial addiction: Smoking gives pleasure –A “quick fix” for anxiety, anger, stress Social pressure –First experience with tobacco usually is not pleasant Fewer external pressures to quit than with other drug addictions. –No immediate danger of losing their jobs or families due to their addiction.
1/11/20169 What is in a Cigarette “Cancer Stick”……
1/11/ Cigarette Ingredients… Chemicals 43 Carcinogens Tar, Ammonia, Caffeine, Chocolate, Ethyl Alcohol, Menthol, Cyanide, Benzene, Formaldehyde, Arsenic – rat poison Lead – once used in paint Polonium 210 – found in nuclear waste Urea – found in urine Added for you... Poisons are added for flavor……………
Cigarette Ingredients: 1/11/201611
Health Effects of SMOKING: Respiratory System Disorders: Chronic Bronchitis Lung Cancer Emphysema 1/11/201612
Health Effects…… CANCER Lung Cancer –Smoking causes 90% of lung cancer deaths in women –Smoking causes 80% of lung cancer deaths in men –Risk of lung cancer is 23 times higher among men who smoke cigarettes, and 13 times higher among women who smoke Cancer of all body parts 1/11/201613
Health Effects... HEART DISEASE Coronary heart disease –Cigarette smokers are 2–4 times more likely to develop coronary heart disease than nonsmokers. Smoking doubles a person’s risk for stroke. Smoking causes reduced circulation; narrows blood vessels. 1/11/201614
1/11/ Smoking & Pregnancy ….. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of: –Risk for infertility –Preterm delivery or stillbirth –Low birth weight –Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) How important is life...
1/11/ Extra Benefits of Smoking…… Wrinkles Premature aging Yellow teeth Gum disease Bad breathe Smelly clothes Loss of taste & smell WOW…..how lucky! Ask yourself this, “Do you need to breath?” if you said, “NO”, then go for it, smoke, smoke a ton!
More Health Effects … Secondhand smoke –Each hour a non-smoker is around a smoker the non-smoker receives the same negative effects of smoking one cigarette. 1/11/201617
Health Effects of SMOKING: Respiratory System Disorders: Chronic Bronchitis – Cilia (hairlike projections that keep the respiratory tract clear) start to quit working as the tar from cigarettes build up and the smoker starts coughing and secreting mucous. 1/11/201618
Emphysema Destroys the air sacs of the lungs (alveoli) Alveoli lose elasticity and absorb less oxygen More breaths needed to get oxygen People with emphysema use 80% of their energy just to breathe in comparison to the normal 5%. 1/11/201619
Health Effects of SMOKING: Respiratory System Disorders: Lung Cancer – Begins when bronchi are irritated and cilia are destroyed which makes it so mucus can’t leave. Coughing starts and cancer cells start growing, block bronchi, and move into the lungs. –Leading cause of cancer deaths among males 1/11/201620
Learning Target: I can explain the risks of using tobacco products and the impact on my health. I can explain what e-cigarettes are. Success Criteria: I can define e-cigs. I can find similarities between cigarettes and e-cigarettes. 1/11/201622
Video Reflection Questions… 1. What did you learn from this movie? 2. Why is this information important? 3. What will you do with this learned information? 4. What is your emotional response to this story? 5. Do you think this story paints an accurate picture of what it’s like to suffer from emphysema? Explain your answer. 1/11/201623
Straw Breathing Activity … Get an idea of how difficult your life would be if you had emphysema! onio/videos/ /?fref= nf onio/videos/ /?fref= nf 1/11/201624
Straw Breathing Activity What you will need: Small drinking straw A writing utensil A piece of paper What you will do: 1.) Stand up and do an exercise for one minute. How do you feel? How tired are you? How easily can you breathe? 2.) Put a small straw in your mouth. Pinch your nose closed with your fingers and breathe only through the straw. How do you feel? How does it differ from the previous activity? 3.) Continue to breathe through the straw as you stand up and perform a minute of exercise. Write down how you felt this time. Was it more challenging than the first time? If so, why? 1/11/201625
1/11/ E-Cigarettes It is estimated that there are currently 2.4 million middle and high school students using e-cigarettes ….
Your Questions … What is an e-cigarette? How do they work? What are the dangers of e-cigarettes? Are they safe to use? Article: E-Cigarettes Can They Kill You Too? (2015) 1/11/
E-Cigarettes: What we now know Read your assigned article and gather evidence to answer the following questions: –What is an e-cigarette? –How do they work? –What are the dangers of e-cigarettes? –Are they safe to use? 1/11/201628
E-Cigarettes: What we now know Share and gather what you discovered with your partner. –What is an e-cigarette? –How do they work? –What are the dangers of e-cigarettes? –Are they safe to use? 1/11/201629
The Latest Info on E-Cigarettes: April 24, 2014 –18 to purchase, no internet sales –Required to register with the FDA All ingredients Disclose manufacturing information Subject to FDA inspections –Warning labels required 1/11/201630
1/11/ Now that you know the facts … Do you believe E-cigarettes are a safe, healthy alternative to smoking cigarettes?