QILT May Webinar1
Just before we get started… Who are we? How questions will be handled Resources available after the webinar QILT May Webinar 2
QILT Round-up Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching
Overview 1.Round up of QILT developments in Surveys 2.QILT Website 2.SES and GOS – are you ready? 3.Expert Review Panels - Update QILT May Webinar4
Development of the ESS Pilot Project in 2013 Trial in 2014 Trial reviewed and recommendations approved Follow up trial of questionnaire and process in conjunction with May GOS trial currently underway A report on the trial will be made available to the sector once available QILT May Webinar5
Development of the GOS GOS Questionnaire developed and has undergone cognitive testing Trial of GOS questionnaire and process including modified prize draw approach is currently being trialled with a number of institutions. 50/50 split AGS and GOS for larger institutions Incorporating ESS “bridge” New GOS marketing materials were made available for the trial Slides and web images QILT Facebook page QILT May Webinar6
Development of the SES Name change from University Experience Survey (UES) to SES (Student Experience Survey) in 2015 Things to consider Privacy and provision of student contacts, telephone numbers and residential addresses to SRC Optional Extras (Contact us asap and let us know) Telephone follow up (notify SRC urgently) Additional populations (notify SRC before 8th June) Additional items (notify asap and finalised by 3rd July) QILT May Webinar7
Development of the QILT Website QILT Website is under development Three main areas Information for prospective students about the student experience, labour market outcomes and the views of employers QILT information and resources for institutions QILT Survey resources such as fact sheets, webinars and reports Secure file exchange access Information and access to each of the QILT surveys for survey invitees QILT May Webinar8
QILT Website The QILT website will provide prospective students with the information they most value when selecting a higher education institution – student experience, labour market outcomes and the views of employers. The website will incorporate the ability to search, select and compare across institutions and/or study areas by displaying several selected combinations concurrently. QILT May Webinar9
QILT Website QILT May Webinar10
QILT Website QILT May Webinar11
QILT Website QILT May Webinar12
QILT Website Consultation – Process Consultation with DVCAs through Universities Australia including access to development version of the website for consideration and feedback by 5 th June. Development work is underway for the information portal and secure file exchange for institutions. Development work is underway for survey respondent information and access area of the site. QILT May Webinar13
Getting Ready for QILT Data provision for SES and GOS – are you ready? QILT May Webinar14
Data provision for 2015 SES The process for collecting data and sampling for the 2015 SES will be the same as for the 2014 UES. Universities supply data to HEIMS as normal Department of Education and Training (DET) supply population data to SRC from HEIMS SRC “clean” the data and identify students to be included in the survey (sample) then send to institutions through Secure File Exchange (SFX) th June Institutions add , telephone & residential address data and clean data to remove students who should not be included in sample and then return file to SRC using the SFX QILT May Webinar15
Data provision for the 2015 SES Have you ensured that you have permission to pass on the relevant , phone and address information to SRC? Do you have access to the appropriate up-to-date data from your Student Management System to “clean” the SES data? Have you scheduled the appropriate staff and resources to ensure that timelines can be met? QILT May Webinar16
Data provision for the 2015/16 GOS The process for collecting data and sampling for the 2015/2016 GOS will be similar to the SES Are you able to provide , residential address and telephone contacts for graduates? Some institutions disable graduate addresses after a certain period of time and so need to provide personal addresses Some institutions have personal addresses on their SMS but some collect these s through their alumni. If institutions wish to include optional telephone follow up, is there permission to pass on telephone numbers? QILT May Webinar17
Expert Review Panels GOS Sampling Panel OUA inclusion in QILT Panel QILT Marketing and Publicity Panel QILT Reporting Panel QILT May Webinar18
GOS Sampling ERP The panel met and a number of issues relating to GOS sampling were raised. The GOS trial has also raised a number of issues relating to the identification of graduates using HEIMS data SRC are developing a paper with recommendations to be considered by the panel and then released to the sector for comment. QILT May Webinar19
Including OUA students in QILT The panel met and discussed a range of issues in relation to the participation of OUA students in QILT for example Enrolment on institutional student management systems. Definition of “commencing” OUA students Timing and institutional practice in assigning course codes SRC has undertaken to investigate changes to the SES questionnaire and process to address OUA “commencing” students SRC is consulting with OUA and institutions regarding the questionnaire and the possibility of trialling something for this group QILT May Webinar20
Marketing and Publicity Panel This group is under development and we will call for expressions of interest through the newsletter. The aim of this group is to: Evaluate marketing strategies and communications plans for GOS and SES collections. Discuss current practices in institutions for carrying out marketing around surveys and advise on barriers or considerations relevant to effective marketing. Review marketing materials. QILT May Webinar21
QILT Reporting Panel This group is under development and we will call for expressions of interest through the newsletter. The aim of this group is to: Discuss current practices in institutions for the dissemination of QILT survey data and reports including identification of best practice Evaluate the usefulness of current QILT related reports For example UES National Report, Institution Reports AGS reports Discuss possible approaches to reporting to support institutional benchmarking, improvement activities and reporting across the QILT suite QILT May Webinar22
Ways we keep you informed The fortnightly newsletter highlights important dates and activities The QILT calendar contains all operational deadlines Webinars are held each month – recordings are available Summaries of key activities are available prior to the release of final reports Fact sheets are available on key issues The (temporary) QILT resources page is URL QILT May Webinar23
Want to know more? If you believe that there is a topic that warrants a FAQ in the newsletter, a fact sheet, check list or a whole webinar of its own, your suggestions to or call Lisa on 9236 QILT May Webinar24
Working with the QILT team Opportunities for feedback are available throughout the year but you are welcome to comment at any time. We are always available to answer questions (no matter how vague) provide advice about research methodology or data collection explain technical aspects of the QILT surveys or the data files assist with the inclusion of additional questions or populations If you have been liaising with a specific person, please contact them directly, otherwise, is the central contact point. QILT May Webinar25
To summarise… Lots of developments in 2015 around the GOS and ESS Make sure that you are ready for the 2015 SES and 2015/16 GOS Expert Review Panels are working together to improve QILT processes. Get involved. QILT May Webinar26
Thank you! Questions? QILT May Webinar27