He kete aromatawai A portfolio of assessment A sharing of knowledge of assessment practice
He pātai timatanga Use the stickies on the tables to write any pātai you have about portfolio assessment in your kura.
Aromatawai: Pretest: Socrative
~ what is portfolio assessment? ~ what are the important things to remember when carrying out portfolio assessment? ~ give an example from your setting of portfolio assessment. Discuss with your roopu… What is portfolio assessment?
Hei mahi…. He mahi-ā-roopu… look at the clarifications for level 1, 2 or 3. What does this mean for us as kaiako Māori? What is the main idea? Get ready to share back….
Back to Socarative...for a post test He aromatawai....anō
He arotake Reviewing the te reo Māori assessment programme at your school