FRIDAY!!! 10.9 Take a calendar and have a seat.
OPTIONAL QUIZ Everyone will take the quiz and will treat it like a real quiz. After 5 minutes you will decide whether or not you would like to submit. If submitted, this quiz will replace your lowest grammar quiz. If not submitted, then you will throw it away. Still no talking during the quiz. Good luck!
CALENDAR This is the set calendar for the next couple of weeks. YOU are responsible for staying up-to-date with your work.
THESIS WRITING WORKSHEET THIS WILL BE THE MAIN TOPIC OF YOUR PAPER. IT WILL BE THE LAST SENTENCE OF YOUR FIRST (INTRODUCTION) PARAGRAPH. THE MAIN IDEA SENTENCES ARE THE SPECIFIC ISSUES THAT YOU HAVE CHOSEN FROM LAST NIGHT. INSTRUCTIONS The TOPIC = Identity Write your three specific issues (circle two of them) Brainstorm one issue that encompasses those issues. FOR EXAMPLE The TOPIC = Hypocrisy 1.Religion 2.Gender 3.Environment America’s justice system
THESIS WRITING STEPS Step One = The Position What is one aspect about this topic that is believed to be true? Step Two = The Counterargument Is this aspect always true? Are there exceptions? Step Three = The Reason Why is this position correct in spite of the counterargument? Step Four = Put Them All Together The American justice system is extremely flawed and hypocritical. The United States of America claims to have an unbiased and fair justice system. It is impossible for a man-made system to not have any bias or exceptions, for it is human to feel. Although some may believe America to be a land of freedom and equality, in reality, it is a country built on a hypocritical justice system that has been designed by flawed human beings.
QUICK FORMAT FOR BODY PARAGRAPHS MEL-EL-Con #1 Issue: Connection to Crucible Connection to Sinners Connection to Modern America MEL-EL-Con #2 Issue: Connection to Crucible Connection to Sinners Connection to Modern America MEL-EL-Con #3 Issue: Connection to Crucible Connection to Sinners Connection to Modern America Gender Elizabeth Proctor’s devotion to husband and need for husband to survive Punishment for non-conformity, stricter rules for women Pay gap and occupational difference Environment Treating the land like payment and woods are forbidden Punishment for non-conformity in Nature Misuse of natural resources and disregard Religion Parris using religion as a platform for power Scaring people into conforming Discriminating against others based on personal interpretation of religion
YOUR PAPER’S FORMAT Introduction = ACTs Attention Getter (NOT A QUESTION!) Connecting Statements (Give background on the topic, introduce the two texts briefly) Thesis Statement (Last sentence of first paragraph) MELEL-Con #1 = Specific Issue Main Idea (Strong, confident statement of issue connected to thesis) Evidence (Quote from The Crucible) Link (How) Evidence (Quote from Sinners) Link (How and LOTS OF WHY) Conclusion (Connect the topic to the thesis statement) MELEL-Con #2 = Specific Issue Main Idea (Strong, confident statement of issue connected to thesis) Evidence (Quote from The Crucible) Link (How) Evidence (Quote from Sinners) Link (How and LOTS OF WHY) Conclusion (Connect the topic to the thesis statement) Conclusion = STAC Summary ( Summarize the two specific issues and how they connect to the thesis statement) Thesis (Revise the thesis statement so that it FITS MODERN DAY AMERICA) Attention Getter (Go back to the attention getter and connect it to Modern Day America) Conclusion (Conclude with final thoughts about WHY THIS TOPIC IS IMPORTANT FOR MODERN DAY AMERICA!!!)
IN-CLASS WRITING You have the rest of class to write If you waste the time you are given in class, then you WILL stress yourself out next week. Headphones are allowed. If I hear your music, then you lose privilege for the rest of the year. Be a good classmate and keep the volume low. Be a good neighbor and tell him/her if the music is too loud. HOMEWORK: Rough draft is due typed on Tuesday! If it is handwritten you will lose 10%. NO LATE ROUGH DRAFTS ARE ACCEPTED!
FRIDAY!!! 10.9 Take a calendar and have a seat.
OPTIONAL QUIZ Everyone will take the quiz and will treat it like a real quiz. After 5 minutes you will decide whether or not you would like to submit. If submitted, this quiz will replace your lowest grammar quiz. If not submitted, then you will throw it away. Still no talking during the quiz. Good luck!
CALENDAR This is the set calendar for the next couple of weeks. YOU are responsible for staying up-to-date with your work.
ESSAY Due Date Assessment Summary & Writing Context Questions to Consider Form Requirement Guidelines/Goals Rubric