Early Bird Qualifications and Incentives: Registrations must be TO COUNCIL by Friday, July 30 that means you need to get them to your registrar earlier!! Troops must consist of 5 girls & 1 adult to receive incentives Every girl who registers as an Early Bird is entitled to receive an Early Bird patch & participate in ONE special Early Bird Council program at half price. Early Bird flyers can also be found on the GSJS website.
MEMBERSHIP DUES SUMMARY Should accompany every registration Troop (labeled as “group”) number should be on each form! Troop leaders should fill out completely – Meeting Day/Location (first time only) NEW - How are you participating? (camp, events, series, travel, troop, virtual) Description is on each form. Special attention to Program Levels (Multi-grade is now an option) Cash or Check only for registrations (Troop check is preferred!) Receipts must be given to all troop leaders for cash and CHECK.
GIRL & ADULT REGISTRATIONS GIRL Use pre-printed or blank form DOB, Grade (K-12), School (use parent’s if girl under 13 yrs of age) Parent/Guardian Signature Racial/Ethnic Background (VS) is checked off by leader if parent does not complete. Troop Number Troop keeps yellow copies Transfers from other councils should use a registration form and mark “Transfer” on top. ADULT Use pre-printed or blank form Troop Number & Position Codes for ALL troops Signature Racial/Ethnic Background (VS) is checked off by leader if parent does not complete. Troop keeps yellow copies Lifetimes should update info using a registration form and mark “Lifetime” on top.
DONATIONS Every contribution received is a HUGS donation and is voluntary, tax-deductible and will help to support girls LOCALLY in GSJS Council. A girl is eligible for a HUGS patch (if available) regardless of the time of the donation. HUGS is ongoing! Contributions may be in the form of Cash, Check, or Credit Card. The $12 registration fee can not be included with a credit card donation. Thank you cards/letters will be mailed out on October 1 st, 2011.
LAUREEN FINN / PAULA BROWN FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Available to all girls. Based on financial need. Can be used for: registration (if submitted at time of registration), dues, uniform, handbooks, programs and activities Encourage parent/guardian to hand in as soon as possible. An Early Bird Financial Aid application should be given if requested by a troop. Forms are also available online at Leaders should make copies available to all girls. Forms are available on the GSJS website.
REMINDERS Troops must have at least “2” registered adults to meet & all adults handling money must be registered. A troop is only considered registered when registrations are signed and fees have been given to the SU registrar or Council Shops. Howell/Farmingdale Service Unit asks that you bring your registrations to your designated registrar not Council. To receive Early Bird incentives, forms must be submitted before 7/30/2010 and to receive On-Time incentives, forms must be submitted before 10/1/2010. Girls must be registered to participate in any activities. Leaders must be registered and trained.
Service Unit Dialogue Registrations must be TO COUNCIL by Friday, July 30 to be eligible for Early Bird incentives. In order for your Registrar to ensure they are turned in by July 30, you should get the forms to them at least a week earlier (by July 23). It is preferred that you registrar by our Service Unit’s Early Bird Registration Night on Wednesday, June 30 at Prince of Peace between 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM which will also entitle your troop to a $5 certificate that can be used towards service unit run events. Please complete a Membership Dues Summary for registrations. ADULT POSITION CODES AND S should be entered. Health forms are now on the GSJS website. Last year’s health form may be initialed & dated by parent if there are no changes. Girls may not participate in ANY activities if not registered and Leaders may not lead if not registered and TRAINED. Two registered adults should be with girls at all times! Please Rachael Cousens at or call x225 with any membership All forms are available at GirlScoutsJS.org
Health History form available at