I NTRODUCTION Underline the hook you used in RED MAP PENCIL. Underline the thesis statement you used in RED MAP PENCIL. Circle the key word(s) from the prompt in the thesis statement.
C ONCLUSION Underline the answers to the following questions in PINK MAP PENCIL. What did you learn from the event/experience? How did you feel when the event/experience was over? How did the event/experience change you?
V OCABULARY Underline weak vocabulary words in BLACK MAP PENCIL. Replace the weak vocabulary words with more colorful words or synonyms from the thesaurus.
V IVID A CTION V ERBS Search your essay for verbs and underline them in GREEN MAP PENCIL. Replace weak or linking verbs with stronger, more vivid action verbs; use the thesaurus to help! Linking verbs— have has had do does did am is are was were may might must should could would
D ESCRIPTION AND D ETAIL Underline descriptive adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases in ORANGE MAP PENCIL. If you do not have enough “orange,” you must add more detail and description to your essay.
F IGURATIVE L ANGUAGE Underline examples of figurative language in YELLOW MAP PENCIL. Simile—comparison using like or as The balloon is as red as a ripe cherry. Metaphor—comparison NOT using like or as The squirrel is King Kong in his mind. Personification—giving an object human characteristics The pencil danced across the page as the ideas flowed from my brain into my hand. Hyperbole—an exaggeration for a specific effect This has been the longest day in history. Idiom—an expression that does not match the sum of its words I was on top of the world when I heard the news. If you do not have at least four of the above examples, you must add them to your essay.
F RAGMENTS, R UN - ONS, AND S ENTENCE T YPES If you are missing a subject and/or a verb and the sentence does NOT express a complete thought, you are to fix the fragment. If you have a run-on sentence Join the sentences with a comma and conjunction (and, for, so, but…) Join the sentences with a semicolon Separate the sentences with an end punctuation mark and capitalization You need to have at least one of each of the following sentence patterns Sentence with a comma and conjunction Sentence with a semicolon Sentence with introductory phrases or clauses with a comma Underline the sentence types with PURPLE MAP PENCIL.
T RANSITIONS Sentences can not begin with the following words: so, and, but, well, like, anyways, then Any sentence that begins with these words must be revised by using transitions. Use your transitions handout in your writing folder.
U SAGE OF H OMOPHONES Search your composition for the following commonly misused words: There, their, they’re Its, it’s Your, you’re Then, than Are, our
S PELLING Circle any words that you think MIGHT be misspelled. Use the dictionary to double check the spelling. If you get stuck or stumped, please ask.
T HE O BVIOUS S TUFF Check capitalization. Be sure the pronoun, “I,” is capitalized as well as al other words that require capitalizing. Check punctuation. Be sure you have included the correct punctuation. Check dialogue again!!! Be sure you have NOT skipped lines between paragraphs. You are to indent the width of your pinky. HANDWRITING MATTERS!! Write neatly!