Understanding & Working With Parent’s Reluctance
Introductions Barbara Borg, MA, OTR Susan Unger, MA Travel Training Coordinator
Via Mobility Services Paratransit Travel training (T.T.) –Group & individual –Denver Metro area
Older Adults Individuals with Disabilities: Physical, Mental Health, Intellectual / Cognitive Who Do We Serve ?
Get on Board / RTD / ADA riders What we offered… What we learned… Denver T.T. Program
One persistent barrier to learning how to ride the bus (participate in travel training) to for adults with intellectual disabilities was…
Critical role of parent / host home provider Parents vary in knowledge Parental beliefs & values Parent Perspective
How We Gathered Information Parent dialogues Case manager reports Literature (Our)Past experiences
Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective Information sharing Helping people to challenge, and perhaps change, beliefs
What do you think?
Inappropriate public behavior? Too much to learn? Setting up son/daughter for disappointment? Risk of being treated badly by strangers. Reluctant parents …
Behavior in unexpected situation? Son or daughter might humiliate himself or herself. Parent’s job is to protect child from stress or failure.
Disruption to family routine. Not necessary to be more independent. Sometimes we just have to accept the limitations.
What do “open” parents think?
Increased independence is a valuable, personal goal. Life does not “come with guarantees.” “We don’t know until we try.” “Open” parents…
Recognized own mortality. Were concerned about future. Transit independence builds pride & self-confidence. Valued learning opportunity.
Not letting them try is a dis-service. Valued real-world experiences. Son/daughter can learn skills to safely access community.
Community benefits from interacting with their son or daughter.
Our beliefs… Our values / priorities… Our expectations… What we “know” / facts … Intervening Role of Cognition
A BELIEF CHECK How did I come to this belief? Is what I believe still true? If I believed something different, what might happen?
How do my beliefs & expectations influence my feelings? How do my beliefs influence my behaviors?
Avoid “why” questions?
Avoid asking… Why do you feel this way? Why don’t you want to do this?
Opening the dialogue…
What do you imagine…? What would happen if…? How might your life change if…? Instead use…
What would be your concerns? What could be done to address concerns?
To help parent to identify what they believe, and To help them to do a ‘belief check’, and To update knowledge Travel Trainer’s Goal
Sending home the T.T. book Sponsor parent support groups Taking parents out on bus or rail Sitting down with whole family Strategies
Using movies, internet or other media to illustrate success (and also realistic limitations) Sharing testimonials
Give it to parents / hhp T.T. program outreach campaign Referring agencies / schools Include book in “new client” resource packet Ideas for using the book
The parent and the rider are the experts on their lives, not us! Never forget….
Cost: $ s/h traveltraininghowtodecide.com To Order books…
Susan Unger Travel Training Coordinator 6500 Franklin Street Denver, CO ext For more information Barb Borg Customer & Community Services Coordinator 2855 N. 63 rd. St. Denver, CO ext