Self check 九年级人教新目标 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


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Presentation transcript:

Self check 九年级人教新目标 Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

Review Could you please tell me where I can …? Do you know where I can …? Could you please tell me if there are any …? There is a … on the …

1.Fill in the blank with the correct word given. beautiful What a beautiful day!

safe n. 保险箱, 饭橱, 菜橱, 冷藏室 adj. 免受攻击的, 安全的, 可靠的, 有把握的

delicious variety of sweet eating apples


fascinating a fascinating shop window display

1. I live right next to a supermarket. It’s very___________. 2. I find stamps__________. I’ve been collecting them for many years. 3. Mr. Tan makes the best noodles in town. They’re __________! 4. The Fine Arts Museum is both __________ and interesting. 5. Put your wallet in a ______ place. convenient beautiful fascinating safe delicious

1. I live right next to a supermarket . 我就住在超市的隔壁。 right 在此起到强调的作用, 它是副词, 含义 很多, 如 “ 对,顺利,直接地,正好,完全, 非常 ” 等。 e.g. You have guessed right . Everything will go right. The wind was right in the face . Explanation

2. I’ve been collecting them for many years . 多年来我一直在收集它们 ( 邮票 ) 。 本句是个现在完成进行时的句子, 表示现在 以前这一段时间里一直在进行的动作, 这动作可能仍然在进行,也可能停止了 一会儿。 e.g. How long has it been raining? We’ve just been talking about you .

2. Look at the map. Write five question that a tourist might ask.Then role play conversations with your partner.

A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank is, please? B: The bank is across the street from the shopping mall. Sample dialogue 1

A: Where’s the theatre? B: Walk along this road, and take the first turning on the right. It’s about a hundred meters along the on the left. Sample dialogue 2

Just for fun! Martian n. ( 假想的 ) 火星人 adj. 〈天〉火星的

Circle the words in each question. Can you tell me (how/where) I can buy some shoes? Do you know (how/if) there are any good movies this week? (Do/Could) you please tell me where the exit is? Homework

Do you know (where/how) there is a telephone I can use? Can you please tell me (how/where) to get to the bus stop? Do you know (if/how) there is a furniture store in this mall?