Look at this pictures and tell where they are. at the airport in an aeroplane
Using the words learned in the unit to name the pictures pass port
boarding card
Have you ever been on an aeroplane? How many times?
Have you ever travelled a long distance on your own? How did you travel? Have you ever been abroad? Where did you go?
Vocabulary baggage platform belt ambassador sensitive grey n. 行李 n. 台,平台,讲台 n. 带子 n. 大使 adj. 敏感的,能理解的 adj. 灰色的,灰白的
gentle fierce vocabulary accent interpreter likely adj. 和善的,温和的 n. 残忍的,凶猛的 n. 词汇,词汇表 n. 重音,口音 n. 译员,口译者 adj. 可能的
schedule timetable foolish responsibility rely on hostess air hostess n. 时间表,进度表 n. 时间表 adj. 愚蠢的 n. 负责,责任 依赖,依靠 n. 女主人 空中小姐
non-smoking case suitcase content pull up pull out n. 禁止吸烟 n. 大箱子 n. 手提箱,皮箱 n. 内容 ( 车辆 ) 停止 离开
Share your experience with your friends. The following questions are for your reference. 1.When did you travel by plane? 2.Where did you start off and where did you travel to? 3.Did you travel alone or with others? 4.What did you do before get on the plane? 5.What happened or what did you do during the flight? 6.How did you like traveling by plane?
Things to do at the airport: Check-in: Passengers arrived at the airport shall provide their valid identity certificates and tickets to the check-in counter and complete the check-in 30 minutes before the flight's departure.
Things to do at the airport: Security inspection: When passing the security inspection, passengers should provide their boarding cards, valid identity certificates and tickets to the inspector. For safety, passengers shall walk through the metal detector and their baggage shall be X-rayed.
Things to do at the airport: Waiting and boarding: Passengers should wait for boarding in the waiting room according to the reminding broadcast and the gate number in the boarding cards.
Listening Listen and complete the information. (Ex.3) DEPARTURES FlightDestinatio n Gate AF 2146 Ottawa Budapest LO Istanbul 9 12 BA London 23 IB 3418 Barcelona TA OA 1967 Zurich
Listen again, decide where they are taking place and what the people are talking about and complete the function file. Dialogue 1 Man: _________, are you sure this is your ____? Woman: Yes, I am. Number _____. Man: But my ____________ has got that number. Woman: Well, ask the __________ about it. Excuse me seat 14 A boarding card air hostess in a plane, talking about their seat numbers.
Dialogue 2 Woman: I’d like a _____ to Newcastle, please. Man: Single or ______? Woman: Single. Man: Smoking or non-smoking? Woman: Non-smoking, please. Man: That’ll be ___________________ please. Woman: What _________ does it go from? Man: Number 6, over there. Woman: And what time does it ______ ? Man: Er, at _____________. ticket return twenty-five pounds platform arrive half past ten at a train station, buying a ticket.
Dialogue 3 Woman: Good morning. How much _______ have you got? Man: Just one case. Woman: Could I see your ________, please? That’s fine. Man: The ______ is late, isn’t it? Woman: Yes, but only 15 minutes. Here is your ____________. Go through ________ ______ now and then listen for the ______ number. baggage passport flight boarding cardpassport control gate at an airport, checking in the luggage.
The meaning of a sentence can change if you put the stress on a different word. Sentence with stress 1.I want two return tickets to Liverpool. 2. I want two return tickets to Liverpool. 3. I want two return tickets to Liverpool. not one ticket not single tickets. not Manchester not one ticket not single tickets.
Listen to three sentences and choose the correct meaning: a, b or c. 1. Eric wants to go to Cracow by train. a)Not Sarah b) Not Warsaw. C) Not by bus. 2. I’d like a single ticket for a morning train in a non-smoking compartment. a) Not a return ticket. b) Not an afternoon train. c) Not in a smoking compartment. C) Not by bus. train b) Not an afternoon train. morning
3. A man told me to go to gate number two at three o’clock. a) Not a woman. b) Not to gate four. c) Not half past two. b) Not to gate four. two
Match the two parts of the sentences. 1. as I ran on to the platform 2. the plane took off 3. I’ve already checked in 4. he was going through passport control 5. she pulled up suddenly a)when he realised he didn’t have his passport. b) my luggage. c) the train was just pulling out d) at the traffic lights. e) five minutes ago.
Speaking (Ex.8) Imagine you have lost something on a flight. In pairs, act out the situation at the lost luggage counter at the airport. Example A: Can I help you? B: Good morning. Yes, I’ve lost my…