Analogous Watercolor Paintings
Analogous Color Scheme Colors that appear next to each other on the color wheel. Analogous colors have one hue in common. For example, blue, blue-green, and blue-violet all contain blue.
Student Examples
Materials Watercolor paper Watercolors Paintbrushes Cup to hold water Photo/image of subject Pencils Sharpies
Procedures 1.Choose a photograph or image from a magazine. 2.Crop your photograph, if needed, to make a good composition. 3.Choose 3-6 colors (next to each other) from the color wheel for your analogous color scheme. 4.Draw your image lightly with pencil on watercolor paper. 5.Start using watercolor paints, making sure you add enough water to each well before adding paint to your paper. 6.Colors do NOT need to be exact, but your image needs to look similar to the photograph. 7.Let dry on drying rack. 8.Use a sharpie to define edges and color changes in your painting.