Literature Review on Emerging Memory Technologies Fengbo Ren Today, I am going to present a multi-core sphere decoder architecture. Apr. 1st 2011
Background Existing Memory Technology SRAM DRAM Scaling become very difficult at and below 45-nm SRAM suffers leakage DRAM’s capacitor need to sustain enough charges Flash needs novel array structure SRAM DRAM Flash since old data cannot be overwritten by new data, the entire block has to be frequently erased before programming new data, conflicting with its relatively low program/erase endurance limit.
Spin Torque Transfer RAM Background Dream about “Universal Memory” Fast read and write speed of SRAM Density and cost benefits of DRAM Non-volatility of flash Unlimited endurance Resistive RAM Phase Change RAM Spin Torque Transfer RAM which combines the fast read and write speed of SRAM, the density and cost benefits of DRAM, the non-volatility of flash, and essentially unlimited endurance. Basic concept of operation State-of-art Key challenges
Basic Concept — PRAM Represents “0/1” by Crystalline and Amorphous High R Low R 1 T > crystallization point Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) High T > melting point Unlike, charge, new device, physical behavior. Usually, the chalcogenide is in a cry state. When GST is heated to a high temperature (over 600°C), its chalcogenide crystallinity is lost. Once cooled, it is frozen into an amorphous glass-like state and its electrical resistance is high. By heating the chalcogenide to a temperature above its crystallization point, but below the melting point, it will transform into a crystalline state with a much lower resistance. The time to complete this phase transition is temperature-dependent. Cooler portions of the chalcogenide take longer to crystallize, and overheated portions may be remelted. Commonly, a crystallization time scale on the order of 100 ns is used.
Ferro-magnetic Materials Basic Concept — STTRAM Represents “0/1” by Magnetization Direction Alignment Parallel Anti-parallel Low RP High RAP Ferro-magnetic Materials Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) Write Read High current, fast switching, bigger cell size MTJ Rp Rap, How current switch Rap->Rp RI curve, unlike GST, the ratio of RH/RL is. Write Read Low current, Slow switching, smaller cell size
Basic Concept — RRAM Represents “0/1” by resistance difference of dielectric - V Low R High R Over Drive Metal Oxides Wearing + V PRAM, STTRAM all RRAM, here RRAM exclusively refer to .. Normally insulating, forced to conduct by applying proper V to form conduction path within material. defects, metal migration, etc. All use new device to store, read and write operation is carried out by CMOS transistors. All nonvolatile. which is normally insulating (high resistance), but can be forced to conduct (low resistance) by applying a sufficiently high voltage to form some filament pathes. The conduction pathes can also be broken if a appropriate voltage is applied reversely. In fact, the other two memory devices also exhibit different resistance in different states.
State-of-Art Comparison Mem. Type Designer Memory Size Power Supply (V) Cell Structure CMOS Process (nm) Cell Size (F^2) Rd.Time (ns) Endurance (cyc.) Memory Device Char. Wrt. I / V Wrt./Ers. Time (ns) RL (Ω) RH/RL Variation Range (RL/RH) SRAM [1] 6T 50-80 1-100 10^16 Low DRAM [1] 1T1C 6-8 30 Refresh Current 50 FLASH [1] NOR 5-10 3-15 10^5 High 10^3/10^6 PRAM [2] Samsung 256 Mb 1.8/4.5 1T1GST 100 16.6 10 10^7 800-1000uA 100/500 1k 3-10x PRAM [3] 512 Mb 1.8 1D1GST 90 5.8 8 600-1000uA 430 1000 3x PRAM [4] Numonyx 1 Gb 1BJT1GST 45 7.4 10^8 200uA 10k 1-5x PRAM [5] STMicro 4 Mb 1.2/3.6 36 12 10^6 400uA/4V 100/300 5k-7k 200 STTRAM [6] Sony 4 Kb 1T1MTJ 180 10^12 200-700 uA 2-1000 1.7k 2.6 3-4% STTRAM [7] Hitachi 2 Mb 64 40 10^9 200 uA 5k 2 STTRAM [8] Qualcomm 32 Mb 1.1/1.8 50.7 <100 150-250 uA 10-1000 2.4k 2.1 STTRAM [9] NEC 1/1.5 2T1MTJ 169 600-1000 uA STTRAM [10] Fujitsu & UT 16 Kb 1.2/3.3 130 327 400-870 uA 9-10 STTRAM [11] Toshiba 64 Mb 1.2 65 84.8 11 49 uA RRAM [12] Fujitsu 3 1T1R >10^5 0.7-2.8V 5-50 1.2k >90 1-30 RRAM [13] NTHU 1.5 1T1R MLC 30-300 >10^6 1.4 V >5 >1000 1.1x/100x RRAM [14] 1.4 >10^10 1.5-1.6 V >0.3 1k-10k >10 1.2x/50x RRAM [15] 0.7-1.8 3.6 <25uA 0.3 0.8k >100 RRAM [16] 1.8/3.3 69 56 74 2x/80x PRAM Flash density & endurance + Fast R/W speed STTRAM SRAM density & R/W speed + Highest endurance RRAM <SRAM density & R/W speed + High endurance PRAM has same density as Flash, a little bit higher endurance, and much several orders of magnitude faster R/W
Challenges—PRAM Resistance and threshold voltage drift over time Cause chip failure in long term Limits the ability for multilevel operation Speed vs. data retention time If the switching thermal condition is close to standby condition, e.g. room temperature Faster switching speed — intended switching Worse data retention time — higher probability of accidental switching Sensitive to temperature Narrower operation window (0-70°C ) This severely limits the ability for multilevel operation (a lower intermediate state would be confused with a higher intermediate state at a later time) and could also jeopardize standard two-state operation if the threshold voltage increases beyond the design value. This stems primarily from the fact that phase-change is a thermally driven process rather than an electronic process. Thermal conditions which allow for fast crystallization should not be too similar to standby conditions, e.g. room temperature. Otherwise data retention cannot be sustained.
Challenges—STTRAM The switching current required is still too high. 1-8x106 A/cm² Typical transistor:105-106 A/cm² Bigger transistor size -> bigger cell size -> poor density Boosting voltage -> higher power Switching energy of MTJ is 2-3 orders of magnitude bigger than a CMOS gate Lower switching current is desired Low Rhigh/Rlow ratio 5x is the highest ratio reported, 2-3x in practical Small sensing margin for reading Lower switching current -> even smaller sensing margin
Challenges—RRAM Need to understand the physics Conduction filament formation & broken mechanism Resistance & resistance variation dependency on bias voltage Wearing mechanism Build precise compact model for CAD flow Significant resistance variation Worse sensing margin Deteriorate the multi-level operation capability Biggest challenge is not completely understand the physics. Studies on these topics are still ongoing. Such as
Conclusion PRAM Flash density & endurance + < Flash R/W speed Nice replacement of Flash, commercial product is available STTRAM SRAM density & R/W speed + Highest endurance Require better MTJ with smaller switching current to achieve higher density RRAM Initial stage of exploration <SRAM density & R/W speed + High endurance Potential of multi-level operation Lot of studies need to be done
Thank You! References [1] F. Tabrizi, ”The future of scalable STT-RAM as a universal embedded memory”, Available: [2] S. Kang, et al., ”A 0.1-m 1.8-V 256-Mb Phase-Change Random Access Memory (PRAM) With 66-MHz Synchronous Burst-Read Operation”, JSSC, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 210–218, 2007. [3] K.J. Lee, et al., ”A 90 nm 1.8 V 512 Mb Diode-Switch PRAM With 266 MB/s Read Throughput”, ISSCC, 2008, pp. 150–162. [4] G. Servalli, ”A 45nm generation Phase Change Memory technology”, IEDM, 2009, pp. 1–4. [5] G. De Sandre, et al., ”A 4 Mb LV MOS-Selected Embedded Phase Change Memory in 90 nm Standard CMOS Technology”, JSSC, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 52–63, 2011. [6] M. Hosomi, et al., ”A Novel Nonvolatile Memory with Spin Torque Transfer Magnetization Switching: Spin-RAM”, IEDM, 2005, pp. 459–462. [7] Takayuki Kawahara, et al., ”2 Mb SPRAM (SPin-Transfer Torque RAM) With Bit-by-Bit Bi-Directional Current Write and Parallelizing-Direction Current Read”, ISSCC, 2008, pp. 109–120. [8] C.J. Lin, et al., ”45nm Low Power CMOS Logic Compatible Embedded STT MRAM Utilizing a Reverse-Connection 1T/1MTJ Cell”, IEDM, 2009, pp. 1–4. [9] R. Nebashi, et al., ”90nm 12ns 32Mb 2T1MTJ MRAM”, ISSCC, 2009, pp. 462–463. [10] David Halupka, et al., ”Negative-Resistance Read and Write Schemes for STT-MRAM in 0.13m CMOS”, ISSCC, 2010, pp. 256–257. [11] Kenji Tsuchida, et al.,”A 64Mb MRAM with Clamped-Reference and Adequate-Reference Schemes”, ISSCC, 2010, pp. 258–259. [12] K. Tsunoda, et al., ”Low Power and High Speed Switching of Ti-doped NiO ReRAM under the Unipolar Voltage Source of less than 3 V”, IEDM, 2007, pp. 767–770. [13] H.Y. Lee, et al., ”Low Power and High Speed Bipolar Switching with A Thin Reactive Ti Buffer Layer in Robust HfO2 Based RRAM”, IEDM, 2008, pp. 1–4. [14] H.Y. Lee, et al., ”Evidence and solution of Over-RESET Problem for HfOX Based Resistive Memory with Sub-ns Switching Speed and High Endurance”, IEDM, 2010, pp. 19.7.1–19.7.4.