Programming for Performance CS433 Spring 2001 Laxmikant Kale
2 Causes of performance loss If each processor is rated at k MFLOPS, and there are p processors, why don’t we see k.p MFLOPS performance? –Several causes, –Each must be understood separately –but they interact with each other in complex ways Solution to one problem may create another One problem may mask another, which manifests itself under other conditions (e.g. increased p).
3 Causes Sequential: cache performance Communication overhead Algorithmic overhead (“extra work”) Speculative work Load imbalance (Long) Critical paths Bottlenecks
4 Algorithmic overhead Parallel algorithms may have a higher operation count Example: parallel prefix (also called “scan”) –How to parallelize this? B[0] = A[0]; for (I=1; I<N; I++) B[I] = B[I-1]+A[I];
5 Parallel Prefix: continued How to this operation in parallel? –Seems inherently sequential –Recursive doubling algorithm –Operation count: log(P). N A better algorithm: –Take blocking of data into account –Each processor calculate its sum, then participates in a prallel algorithm to get sum to its left, and then adds to all its elements –N + log(P) +N: doubling of op. Count
6 Bottleneck Consider the “primes” program (or the “pi”) –What happens when we run it on 1000 pes? How to eliminate bottlenecks: –Two structures are useful in most such cases: Spanning trees: organize processors in a tree Hypercube-based dimensional exchange
7 Communication overhead Components: –per message and per byte –sending, receiving and network –capacity constraints Grainsize analysis: –How much computation per message –Computation-to-communication ratio
8 Communication overhead examples Usually, must reorganize data or work to reduce communication Combining communication also helps Examples:
9 Communication delay: time interval between sending on one processor to receipt on another: time = a + b. N Communication overhead: the time a processor is held up (both sender and receiver are held up): again of the form a+ bN Typical values: a = microseconds, b: 2-10 ns Communication overhead
10 Grainsize control A Simple definition of grainsize: –Amount of computation per message –Problem: short message/ long message More realistic: –Computation to communication ratio –computation time / (a + bN) for one message
11 Example: matrix multiplication How to parallelize this? For (I=0; I<N; I++) For (J=0; j<N; J++) // c[I][j] ==0 For(k=0; k<N; k++) C[I][J] += A[I][K] * B[K][J];
12 A simple algorithm: Distribute A by rows, B by columns –So,any processor can request a row of A and get it (in two messages). Same for a col of B, –Distribute the work of computing each element of C using some load balancing scheme So it works even on machines with varying processor capabilities (e.g. timeshared clusters) –What is the computation-to-communication ratio? For each object: 2.N ops, 2 messages with N bytes 2N / (2 a + 2N b) = 2N * 0.01 / (2*10 + 2*0.002N)
13 A better algorithm: Store A as a collection row-bunches –each bunch stores g rows –Same of B’s columns Each object now computes a gxg section of C Comp to commn ratio: –2*g*g*N ops –2 messages, gN bytes each –alpha ratio: 2g*g*N/2, beta ratio: 2g
14 Alpha vs beta The per message cost is significantly larger than per byte cost –factor of several thousands –So, several optimizations are possible that trade off : get larger beta cost in return for smaller alpha –I.e. send fewer messages –Applications of this idea: Examined in the last two lectures
15 Programming for performance:steps Select/design Parallel algorithm Decide on Decomposition Select Load balancing strategy Plan Communication structure Examine synchronization needs –global synchronizations, critical paths
16 Design Philosophy: Parallel Algorithm design: –Ensure good performance (total op count) –Generate sufficient parallelism –Avoid/minimize “extra work” Decomposition: –Break into many small pieces: Smallest grain that sufficiently amortizes overhead
17 Design principles: contd. Load balancing –Select static, dynamic, or quasi-dynamic strategy Measurement based vs prediction based load estimation –Principle: let a processor idle but avoid overloading one (think about this) Reduce communication overhead –Algorithmic reorganization (change mapping) –Message combining –Use efficient communication libraries
18 Design principles: Synchronization Eliminate unnecessary global synchronization –If T(i,j) is the time during i’th phase on j’th PE With synch: sum ( max {T(i,j)}) Without: max { sum(T (i,j) } Critical Paths: –Look for long chains of dependences Draw timeline pictures with dependences
19 Diagnosing performance problems Tools: –Back of the envelope (I.e. simple) analysis –Post-mortem analysis, with performance logs Visualization of performance data Automatic analysis Phase-by-phase analysis (prog. may have many phases) –What to measure load distribution, (commun.) overhead, idle time Their averages, max/min, and variances Profiling: time spent in individual modules/subroutines
20 Diagnostic technniques Tell-tale signs: –max load >> average, and # PEs > average is >>1 –max load >> average, and # PEs > average is ~ 1 –Profile shows increase in total time in routine f with increase in PEs: –Communication overhead: obvious Load imbalance Possible bottleneck (if there is dependence) Algorithmic overhead
21 Communication Optimization Example problem from earlier lecture: Molecular Dynamics –Each Processor, assumed to house just one cell, needs to send 26 short messages to “neighboring” processors –Assume Send/Receive each: alpha = 10 us, beta: 2ns –Time spent (notice: 26 sends and 26 receives): 26*2(10 ) = 520 us –If there are more than one cells on each PE, multiply this number! –Can this be improved? How?
22 Message combining If there are multiple cells per processor: –Neighbors of a cell may be on the same neighboring processor. –Neighbors of two different cells on the same processor –Combine messages going to the same processor
23 Communication Optimization I Take advantage of the structure of communication, and do communication in stages: –If my coordinates are: (x,y,z): Send to (x+1, y,z), anything that goes to (x+1, *, *) Send to (x-1, y,z), anything that goes to (x-1, *, *) Wait for messages from x neighbors, then Send to y neighbors a combined message –A total of 6 messages instead of 26 –Apparently longer critical path
24 Communication Optimization II Send all migrating atoms to processor 0 –Let processor 0 sort them out and send 1 message to each processor –Works ok if the number of processors is small Otherwise, bottleneck at 0
25 Communication Optimization 3 Generalized problem: – Each to all, individualized messages –Apply all previously learned techniques
26 Intro to Load Balancing Example: 500 processors, units of work What should the objective of load balancing be?
27 Causes of performance loss If each processor is rated at k MFLOPS, and there are p processors, why don’t we see k.p MFLOPS performance? –Several causes, –Each must be understood separately –but they interact with each other in complex ways Solution to one problem may create another One problem may mask another, which manifests itself under other conditions (e.g. increased p).
28 Causes Sequential: cache performance Communication overhead Algorithmic overhead (“extra work”) Speculative work Load imbalance (Long) Critical paths Bottlenecks
29 Algorithmic overhead Parallel algorithms may have a higher operation count Example: parallel prefix (also called “scan”) –How to parallelize this? B[0] = A[0]; for (I=1; I<N; I++) B[I] = B[I-1]+A[I];
30 Parallel Prefix: continued How to this operation in parallel? –Seems inherently sequential –Recursive doubling algorithm –Operation count: log(P). N A better algorithm: –Take blocking of data into account –Each processor calculate its sum, then participates in a prallel algorithm to get sum to its left, and then adds to all its elements –N + log(P) +N: doubling of op. Count
31 Bottleneck Consider the “primes” program (or the “pi”) –What happens when we run it on 1000 pes? How to eliminate bottlenecks: –Two structures are useful in most such cases: Spanning trees: organize processors in a tree Hypercube-based dimensional exchange
32 Communication overhead Components: –per message and per byte –sending, receiving and network –capacity constraints Grainsize analysis: –How much computation per message –Computation-to-communication ratio
33 Communication overhead examples Usually, must reorganize data or work to reduce communication Combining communication also helps Examples:
34 Communication overhead Communication delay: time interval between sending on one processor to receipt on another: time = a + b. N Communication overhead: the time a processor is held up (both sender and receiver are held up): again of the form a+ bN Typical values: a = microseconds, b: 2-10 ns
35 Grainsize control A Simple definition of grainsize: –Amount of computation per message –Problem: short message/ long message More realistic: –Computation to communication ratio
36 Example: matrix multiplication How to parallelize this? For (I=0; I<N; I++) For (J=0; j<N; J++) // c[I][j] ==0 For(k=0; k<N; k++) C[I][J] += A[I][K] * B[K][J];
37 A simple algorithm: Distribute A by rows, B by columns –So,any processor can request a row of A and get it (in two messages). Same for a col of B, –Distribute the work of computing each element of C using some load balancing scheme So it works even on machines with varying processor capabilities (e.g. timeshared clusters) –What is the computation-toc-mmunication ratio? For each object: 2.N ops, 2 messages with N bytes
38 A better algorithm: Store A as a collection row-bunches –each bunch stores g rows –Same of B’s columns Each object now computes a gxg section of C Comp to commn ratio: –2*g*g*N ops –2 messages, gN bytes each –alpha ratio: 2g*g*N/2, beta ratio: g
39 Alpha vs beta The per message cost is significantly larger than per byte cost –factor of several thousands –So, several optimizations are possible that trade off : get larger beta cost for smaller alpha –I.e. send fewer messages –Applications of this idea: Message combining Complex communication patterns: each-to-all,..
40 Example: Each to all communication: –each processor wants to send N bytes, distinct message to each other processor –Simple implementation: alpha*P + N * beta *P typical values?
41 Programming for performance: steps Select/design Parallel algorithm Decide on Decomposition Select Load balancing strategy Plan Communication structure Examine synchronization needs –global synchronizations, critical paths
42 Design Philosophy: Parallel Algorithm design: –Ensure good performance (total op count) –Generate sufficient parallelism –Avoid/minimize “extra work” Decomposition: –Break into many small pieces: Smallest grain that sufficiently amortizes overhead
43 Design principles: contd. Load balancing –Select static, dynamic, or quasi-dynamic strategy Measurement based vs prediction based load estimation –Principle: let a processor idle but avoid overloading one (think about this) Reduce communication overhead –Algorithmic reorganization (change mapping) –Message combining –Use efficient communication libraries
44 Design principles: Synchronization Eliminate unnecessary global synchronization –If T(i,j) is the time during i’th phase on j’th PE With synch: sum ( max {T(i,j)}) Without: max { sum(T (i,j) } Critical Paths: –Look for long chains of dependences Draw timeline pictures with dependences
45 Diagnosing performance problems Tools: –Back of the envelope (I.e. simple) analysis –Post-mortem analysis, with performance logs Visualization of performance data Automatic analysis Phase-by-phase analysis (prog. may have many phases) –What to measure load distribution, (commun.) overhead, idle time Their averages, max/min, and variances Profiling: time spent in individual modules/subroutines
46 Diagnostic technniques Tell-tale signs: –max load >> average, and # Pes > average is >>1 Load imbalance –max load >> average, and # Pes > average is ~ 1 Possible bottleneck (if there is dependence) –profile shows increase in total time in routine f with increase in Pes: algorithmic overhead –Communication overhead: obvious