1 Adults and Communities Budget Consultation, Community Offer our proposals to support residents to live independently at home
2 2 Overview ●Over next 2 years Council is proposing savings of around £39 million so all service areas need to make budget reductions●For 2014/15 Adults and Communities need to find further savings of £8.3 million●Many of these savings have been found from efficiencies and will not affect our frontline services●Over next 2 years Council is proposing savings of around £39 million so all service areas need to make budget reductions●For 2014/15 Adults and Communities need to find further savings of £8.3 million●Many of these savings have been found from efficiencies and will not affect our frontline services
3 ●Demand for our services continues to increase as:- ØLocal population over 65 years old grows ØNumber of young people with very complex needs grows 3
4 The Care and Support Bill ●Due to become law next year ●Will affect how social care services should be delivered ●Increase independence for people who need social care support ●Increase peoples control over their services and get better information to help them make the right support choices ●Support carers 4
5 Both locally and nationally we need to make changes to social care services to make sure they:- ●Are flexible and tailored to meet the needs of individual residents ●Provide value for money in a time of national austerity 5
6 Barnet Council’s vision for adult social care:- ●Enable residents to remain independent and safe by ‒ Providing the right information and advice ‒ Access to support Ensuring that when life changes you stay in control with the right support at the right time for you and your family 6
7 ●We have put together some proposals on how we can meet the challenges facing Barnet Adult Social Care and have called these our Community Offer. ●We hope to make savings of £1.347 million by working in this way. ●Our Community Offer sets out how we plan to support people in their own homes. What is the Community Offer 7
8 These proposals include:- ØLooking at how we can maximise someone’s independence when they have their Annual Review ØChanging the way that we provide respite to people who care for a friend or family member 8
9 Our proposals:- ●Improving the information and advice residents get about social care services ØImprove information available on our website to assist people to make informed choices and decisions about their social care support ØProvide more access to independent information and advice from a range of voluntary sector organisations 9
10 ●When residents need social care support ensure more people can stay in their own home instead of needing to move into residential care ØGive more people a short period of enablement support ØGive more people an occupational therapy assessment ØUse Telecare equipment more often ØGive more recognition to the important role of people who care for a friend or family member ensuring they have a Carers Assessment Security marking 10
11 ●Increase the take up of Direct Payments:- ØOffer anyone new who qualifies for a social care service a Direct Payment ØOffer a Direct Payment to people who are already getting a service from the council. This will happen when they have an Annual Review of their support. 11
12 ØPayments mean that people can arrange their own services or support ØProvides more freedom, choice and control ØDecide how your needs are met, by whom, in a way that suits you 12
13 Why are we consulting ●Adults and Communities have already been changing services in line with the national policy of personalisation and national programmes of enablement but now we want to:- ØIncrease the number of people who are able to stay at home for longer ØNational research shows people are happier and live longer if they can stay in their own home ØSupport people to do this whilst ensuring support services provide value for money for the council 13
14 What does this mean for people who use social care services now ●If we make our plans happen it will mean two changes for people who already get social care services from the Council 14
15 Change 1:- What happens in an Annual Review we want to see if we can change or reduce someone’s support but still meet their needs by making them more independent. We know this wont be possible for everyone. We will do this by making changes to the support people receive such as providing more:- Telecare technology at home. Pieces of equipment, aids or adaptions to help them get around. A direct payment to arrange their own support. 15
16 We want people to make more use of activities in their local area (like lunch clubs) instead of going to day centres. We hope this will help people to be more independent, happier and save money for the Council money. 16
17 Change 2:- How people get a break from caring If people care for a friend or relative, they sometimes need a break. When this happens, the Council can give the person they care for a place at a residential care home for up to 2 weeks. 17
18 We want to change this so people don’t have to go to a residential care home: We want people to be able to have care workers come to their own home when their carer needs a break. Or the Council could give people a Direct Payment so they can choose their own support while their carer has a break. We think this is better for the person being cared for and the carer. It will also save the Council money. 18
19 ●But if the only option for someone was to go into a residential care home when their carer needed a break, we would still do this. 19
20 Workshop 20
21 We will ask whether you agree with the council’s plans and your reasons for this. ●Part One: OUR PLANS TO SUPPORT PEOPLE TO LIVE INDEPENDENTLY ●Part Two: CHANGES FOR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY GET SOCIAL CARE SERVICES ●Change 1: What happens at your Annual Review ●Change 2: How people get a break from caring (respite care) 21
22 PART ONE – OUR PLANS TO SUPPORT PEOPLE TO LIVE INDEPENDENTLY 1.Do you agree with our plans to support people to live independently at home and why? 1.Can you think of any other ways that the Council could support people to stay independent at home? 22
23 CHANGES FOR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY GET SOCIAL CARE SERVICES - Change 1: What happens in an Annual Review ● Using a Direct Payment to arrange your own services ● Giving people more equipment, aids and adaptations for their homes ● Telecare at home instead of visits from care workers ● Support to go to places in your area instead of going to a day centre 23 1.Do you agree with our plan to make changes to people’s support in their Annual Review and why?
24 1. Can you think of any other changes that could be made to people’s support when they have their Annual Review? 24 CHANGES FOR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY GET SOCIAL CARE SERVICES - Change 1: What happens in an Annual Review
25 Change 2: How people get a break from caring (respite care) ● whether it is good for the carer if the person they care for can have support in their own home while the carer has a break ● whether it is good for the person being cared for if they can get support in their own home while their carer has a break ● whether it is good to have a Direct Payment to arrange support when a carer has a break 25 1.Do you agree with our plan to change what happens when a carer needs a break and why?
26 1.Can you think of any other ideas for changing how carers can get a break from caring? 26 Change 2: How people get a break from caring (respite care)