Evidence-based Research
Think Innovation….
The Day 8:30 am Introductions – Orientation for the Day – Expectation: Scenarios Three things about you, technology, and learning, one of which is a lie! 8:45 am An Interactive Session: “The Untapped Potential of 1 to 1 Learning” 9:30 am Searching for The Best Fit – elements: The Possibilities (What Works) The RFP The Lakeland Catholic Vision (Data – Challenges – Plans) 10:15 amSummary – Break
Finding The Right Fit The Lakeland Catholic Vision The 1 to 1 Learning Opportunity The RFP Window The Fit
The RFP Leadership and shared commitment Thorough and long-term planning Technology-infused curricula designed for the 21st Century learner Current, relevant, engaging and curriculum-matched multimedia resources Ongoing and embedded professional development Sufficient and well-functioning hardware and software Reliable broadband connectivity Community support A plan for sustainability
The RFP Leadership and shared commitment Thorough and long-term planning Technology-infused curricula designed for the 21st Century learner Current, relevant, engaging and curriculum-matched multimedia resources Ongoing and embedded professional development Sufficient and well-functioning hardware and software Reliable broadband connectivity Community support A plan for sustainability
School Improvement … Technology Investment R E S E A R C H 12 Return Effective School System DATA
Finding The Right Fit The Lakeland Catholic Vision The 1 to 1 Learning Opportunity The RFP Window The Fit
Finding The Right Fit The Lakeland Catholic Vision
Finding The Right Fit The Lakeland Catholic Vision
Finding The Right Fit: Meeting Challenges
Finding The Right Fit: Tapping into New Opportunities
The Day 10:30 am Project 3 years into the future. Form small groups. Write a scenario in your projected “day in the life successful 1 to 1 learning.” Group Discussion: »Share each scenario »Hone in on the innovations—the differentiators. 11:30 amSummary: What is emerging as the innovation? Which is the Preferred Theme: –Enhancing teaching and learning for specific student populations »OR –Improving student learning in targeted areas. 12:00 pm Summary – Next Steps Research Reviews Background/ Data Sets Community input
A Day in the Life of…
Scaling 21st Century Learning Requires: Depth, Sustainability, Spread, Shift, and Evolution Question: What is the core of the innovation? What are the “non-negotiables” versus those aspects that local schools can adapt?
Goals for Mobile Computing Academic 21st Century Skills Engagement Logical Links…
Triangulate Results Aligned to the Goals Student Indicators Classroom Practices Essential Conditions Intervention Plan for Change
Debrief / Next Steps Background/Data What interventions align to the goals Research Reviews Community Input
November 21…
The Alignment What is your value proposition? What is the “intervention?” Consider these new foundations: –Protocols/rubrics for online research –Teaming and Collaboration –Protocols of communication –Rubrics for media products –Expectations for teacher practice –Critical thinking curriculum –Concept mapping
Web-based Integrated Science Environment
WISE Web-based Integrated Science Environment
Program Measurable Outcome: By spring 2006, the number of 7th grade students that reach proficiency in science inquiry will increase by 20%, as measured by PASS Intervention: Integration of WISE units in middle school science In context of new foundations: –Protocols/rubrics for online research –Teaming and collaboration –Protocols of communication –Rubrics for media products –Expectations for teacher practice –Critical thinking curriculum –Concept mapping
Evaluation Questions 1. With what quality was the curriculum revamped to incorporate the WISE units? 2. Was the professional development of sufficient quality, frequency, and timeliness to adequately prepare teachers to use the WISE projects as recommended? 3. How did teacher practice and curriculum change over time? 4.Were the WISE units implemented as planned, with fidelity? 5. Were the essential conditions for effective technology use in place? 6.Did the students successfully complete the units? 7. Did the perspective/interest of the school administrators, teachers, students, and families change about WISE over time? Implications? 8.Did student engagement in science change over time? 9. Did student achievement in science change over time? 10. Did the differences in student changes correlate with gender, SES, race?
Evaluation Questions Q1X X X Q2X X X X Q3X X X X BR Q4X X I, E X T1,T2, A X Triangulate with local, performance, and high-stakes student data. Quarterly Reports Principal Surveys Teacher Surveys Site Visits Student Surveys Student Data Artifact Review
Scaling 21st Century Learning Requires: Depth, Sustainability, Spread, Shift, and Evolution Question: What is the core of the innovation? What are the “non-negotiables” versus those aspects that local schools can adapt?
Working on the Work (Schlechty) Authentic Engagement Ritual Engagement Passive Compliance Retreatism Rebellion
Self-Directed Learning set goals related to learning, plan for the achievement of those goals, independently manage time and effort independently assess the quality of learning and any products
Are you self-directed?
Suite of Tools Teacher Survey Site Visit Protocols District Survey Building Survey
Readiness Condition Vision Teacher Proficiency Effective Classroom Practices Robust Access Anywhere, Anytime Digital Equity Leadership
School Question