INTRODUCTION Presented by Jabu Sibeko Senior Manager: Operations
BACKGROUND The ISETT SETA is responsible for Skills Development within the ICT (sometimes refer to as ISETT) sector Skills Gaps, and on skills development initiatives to date. ISETT Sector includes the following sub-sectors as presented in the ICT charter: Information Technology Telecommunications and Electronics
PROGRESS TO DATE As of March 2006, more that 7036 (95% of which are unemployed youth) Learners have been trained through ISETT SETA Learnerships, while 2531 are in progress. Of those completed, 810 have been employed, 90 self-employed, 780 studying further, while 820 are still to be placed.
PROGRESS TO DATE (Cont.) As of March 2006, more than 6000 unemployed youth have been trained through various Skills Programmes, of which all of them have completed, 4000 are employed, 300 are self- employed, 1600 are studying further and 100 are unemployed or not known. As of March 2006, more than 470 unemployed youth have been trained through Internships Programmes. 267 have completed, while 203 are in progress. 178 have been employed, 89 are studying further.
Key Challenges Move learners from level 4 to 5 Identify learners for venture creation Partner with employers on ICT Hubs Forge partnerships with FET/HED Institutions Forge partnerships with NGO/CBO and CO OPS Implement ABET as End User Program within ICT
Deliverables from Board Session DeliverablesTargets as at October 2005CurrentDue Date NSDS 1 Accreditation of Providers who implemented Learnerships 45 Accreditated Training Providers 83On going Certification of graduates Issuing of certificates in progress 46 Learners Issued 1254 and ongoing 28 February 2006 Progressing Level 4 learners to Level 5 By October we have to progress a completion of 3350 learners 2400 progressed and ongoing A difference of 950 learners should be completed by end of March 2006.
Deliverables from Board Session (Isett/DoL MoU) DeliverablesTargetCurrentDue date NSDS 2 Learnerships planned and new intake 1100 Learners.1445 in progress exceeded Internship programTarget is exceeded New Venture creationTarget is 90. The seta has already entered into a contract with CSIR and Umsobomvu. 100exceeded ABET LEVEL 4/End-User computing Target Learnerships will be committing 500 and the other 500 will be from the WSP’s. 500further uptake as 500 planned 20 March 2006
LEARNERSHIP PROCEEDURES New funding model Submission of letter of intent Completion and signing of Learnership Agreement Registration of Learnership Agreement Implementation of Learnership Tax Rebate 18.1 and 18.2 Internship programme
FUTURE PLANS The ISETT SETA intends to place learners on permanent position within the next 12 months. Some of graduates on Learnership NQF level 4 will be further developed to NQF level 5. Strategies are to be developed for these graduates at other different sectors where the are able to utilize ICT skills to enhance their work.
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