User Interfaces 4 BTECH: IT WIKI PAGE:
User characteristics Memory Understanding human memory Perception Implications for design Acceptance models
Memory Short term Long term Examples that impact on design Understanding human memory
Examples that impact on design
Perception Different skills levels Integrating what you see with what you have experienced and know Interface factors that influence perception Factors that could increase perception skill level required How does perception skills link to memory
Examples: 1
Examples: 2
Examples: 3
Implications for design Link design perception requirements with target user abilities Complexity of display Complexity of user interaction Memory requirements, complexity and perception
Display complexity Four factors need to be considered: overall density: the number of filled character spaces as a percentage of total spaces available local density: the average number of filled character spaces around each character, as a percentage of available spaces grouping: the number of groups of “connected” characters, layout complexity: Complexity (defined in information theory), of the distribution of horizontal and vertical distances of each label and data item from a standard point on the display.
Layout complexity Lower local and overall densities: easier-to-read displays. Assess the number of clusters of fields on a display. Clusters are formed by characters that are separated by no more than one intervening space horizontally and that are on adjacent lines. Layout complexity measures the variety of shapes that confront the user on a display. Neat blocks of fields that start in the same column will have a lower layout complexity.
Examples High Complexity Less complex
Clusters help simplify TAYLOR, SUSAN WILLIAM TAYLOR THOMAS102974ANN082177ALEXANDRA As opposed to EMPLOYEE:Susan Taylor SSN: SPOUSE:William Taylor CHILDREN: NAMESBIRTHDATES Alexandra Thomas Ann
Acceptance models TAM TTF Technology Diffusion Factors that influence acceptance serenko_iwc_model_of_user_adoption.pdf