Heritage for All, Luxembourg 2-3 June 2003 Cultural Heritage and the 6 th Framework Programme Bernard Smith Head of Division Preservation and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage Bernard Smith Head of Division Preservation and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage
Heritage for All, Luxembourg 2-3 June 2003 Goals for 2010 Emergence of large-scale, inclusive cutural landscapes where Europe’s digital heritage is globally visible, interacts intelligently with users, and persists over time Prevent loss and restore access to Europe’s essential cultural and scientific resources that are in obsolete formats or are too rare or fragile for regular physical access
Heritage for All, Luxembourg 2-3 June 2003 Measurable impact Establish a stable pan-European infrastructure for distributed repositories of digital content and community memory within 5 to 10 years, through a Europe-wide approach to depositing new digital content and to Web archiving Reduce by 50% the cost of digitisation and modelling of cultural objects, monuments, sites, etc. within 5 years Develop technologies and systems to provide assured protection from loss within 10 years, thus providing long-term accessibility and preservation of significant cultural digital resources
Heritage for All, Luxembourg 2-3 June th FP and IST “intelligent systems for dynamic access to and preservation of tangible and intangible cultural and scientific resources“ 6th Framework Programme ( ) “for cultural heritage the effort will focus on intelligent systems for dynamic access to and preservation of tangible and intangible cultural and scientific resources“ Specific programme ( )
Heritage for All, Luxembourg 2-3 June 2003 New initiatives Should be THE most important imitative in the field in Europe, and include THE most important actors in Europe Ambitious objectives that have tangible significant impact on a wide spectrum of core stakeholders The objectives must be clearly described and easy to understand, the need must be evident Should generate knowledge, and foster new public- private-civil society collaborations A real opportunity to define a new concept of European-added value Strong relationship to national activities will be essential
Heritage for All, Luxembourg 2-3 June 2003 Community Memory Recognise that we must increasingly focus on using new technologies to enable the creator of new forms of content and overcome traditional distribution bottlenecks Explore the endless possibilities that rich narratives can have to bind together dispersed cultural and scientific resources for education, tourism, commerce, …, and meeting clear societal expectations Realise that communities, cities, regions are increasingly driving culturally-oriented policy changes and new job creation, so focus on using new technologies to make culture economically viable
Heritage for All, Luxembourg 2-3 June 2003 Community Memory Focus on the emerging “cultural industry” and on those new technologies that can substantially affect the efficiency of the underpinning industrial processes and reduce the cost of production and access Focus on story telling and technology-enhanced cultural experiences that provide new insights into Europe’s common heritage and collective identity Engage dispersed communities in creating complex online “stories” drawing on massively distributed collections of rich media (institutional collections, records, oral histories, etc.)