Situational Leadership
Purpose Our members experience different situations, every day. A good leader identify correctly each situation and applies the correct type of leadership. This means that the members learn effectively and contribute to the progress of the organization. Situational Leadership is a way to identify correctly the situation and the leadership style needed
Diagnosis | Flexibility | Performance partnership
Assessing the development level Competence Commitment
Competence Demonstrated Transferable
Commitment Motivation How much do I want to achieve? Self Confidence How much do I think I can achieve?
Development Levels
Development levels characteristics – D1 Confident Curious Optimist Animated No experience New Willing enthusiastic
Development levels characteristics – D2 Overwhelmed Demotivated Frustrated Discouraged Confused Dejected Disillusioned Fits of competence
Development levels characteristics – D3 Self critical Doubtful Participatory Reluctant/insecure Cautious Capable Uncertain Apathetic
Development levels characteristics – D4 Self confident Consistent competence Inspired/inspirational Establish his/her direction Expert Independent Achiever confident
Needs of every development level
1. What is the goal or the task? 2. What is the demonstrated competence? 3. What is the transferable competence? 4. How motivated, interested, enthusiastic is he/she? 5. How self-confident is he? The 5 question diagnosis
Performance partnership
Video Time
Knowing this, what will you do next?