Inhalants: How dangerous are inhalants on a scale of ? (with 10 as worst) page 6
20-30% of kids who died using inhalants were using for the 1 st time!!! % of kids who died using inhalants were using for the 1 st time!!! 9
1. Inhalants: (ARE DEPRESSANTS + SLOW the brain’s CNS) Inhalants can kill you the first time you use them! Research shows that inhalant use is associated with symptoms of depression. Neurons in a part of the brain called the hippocampus can also be damaged by inhalants. Brain cells don't get enough oxygen. Someone who repeatedly uses inhalants may lose the ability to learn new things, or have a hard time in simple conversations % of kids who died using inhalants were using for the 1 st time!!! page 6
Dust Off- A Serious Fatal Hazard Read Kyle's Story
A few of the effects of inhalants: bad breath bone marrow damage sudden sniffing Death brain damage loss of muscle control chronic cough memory loss nosebleeds loss of consciousness hair loss vomiting hallucinations D E A T H !! headaches hearing loss heart failure indigestion liver damage kidney damage A few of the effects of inhalants: bad breath bone marrow damage sudden sniffing Death brain damage loss of muscle control chronic cough memory loss nosebleeds loss of consciousness hair loss vomiting hallucinations D E A T H !! headaches hearing loss heart failure indigestion liver damage kidney damage Show Inhalant Video Clip
Inhalants -sprays -glue -cleaners … -high Relaxation -escape -seems safe because it’s a safe product -relaxed -lethargic -glazed eyes -turn white -passed out -brain damage -liver damage -heart damage -coma -death page 7 Drug Name Appearance pill, liquid, powder, plant? Why do teens want to use it?: What does Someone look like on this drug: Negative effects of the drug (short term/ or long term):