French Club October 18, 2011
Option 1
Option 2
Option A
Option B
Option C
Tee Shirts Vote Sizes $10 or $7 (+ $2)
Loaves and Fishes every pound of food feeds one hungry person canned fruit, 100% juice, pork & beans, peanut butter, canned meat, and soup. NO GLASS PLEASE. all donated food is distributed at local food pantries directly to individuals and families in crisis free of charge 1st period class contest- win a French breakfast no sorting; will sort in January Oct 24- ?
FHS Partnership French Club has partnered up with the French Honor Society
National French Week November 8-14 Candy sale T-shirts Berets Daily Announcement
Upcoming Events November 22: next meeting food signups powerpoint? December : La Fête de Noël
French Movie Options