PSJA Memorial High School (G reat R eaders O f the W olverine L ibrary! )
Toys for the Children of Alamo (Alamo Chamber of Commerce) Pasta for Pennies: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
How Can I Go? Come prepared to the meetings. (Once you miss 3 meetings, you are disqualified). Participate in fundraisers (volunteer at least 2 shifts a semester for a total of 1 hour per semester). Participate in our volunteer projects ( we have two every year).
Next meeting: Oct. 1…come prepared to discuss Paper Towns! September 18: Author Visit/ Steven P. Schneider September 25: Author Visit/ Viola Canales October 26-Nov. 6: Snack Sale Nov. 2-Dec. 12: Toy Drive
We meet the last Thursday of every month UNLESS there is testing, a holiday, etc. You’ll Be Glad You Did! Give us your so that you can receive announcements and updates!