UF-SNRE Program in Land Use Dynamics A new synthesis of disciplines for the delivery of science for a sustainable future.
Rationale Florida population to double by 2030, and is extremely dynamic with very high turnover Population pressure on resources worldwide Development is increasingly constrained by environment (land, water, stormwater, power, transportation, amenities, existing development…) Changing significance of agriculture Economic and market drivers of land value Disaster mitigation Public health reflects the structure of the urban and semi-urban environment Many others…..
Some assertions: Besides pure research, part of our mission is the creation of the best science for application to emerging problems Policy makers urgently need new ideas We are not elected or paid to create policy Policy makers often do not hear us because we do not offer them politically or economically viable options To be more effective we need to communicate more effectively across disciplines and offer solutions that include consideration of policy, institutional, and legal constraints
A new synthesis finding value and efficiency in the overlaps Land Use Ecology Planning Design Construction Natural Capital (valuation) Municipal Policy Hydrology Transportation Public Health Agriculture
Components for discussion Florida Land Use Institute – History and progress to date. UF/SNRE Program in Land Use Dynamics –Faculty Working Group in Land Use –Program goals
History of the Florida Institute for Integrative Land Use August Developed collaboration with New College of Florida December Sarasota Board of County Commissioners votes unanimously to award $2 million in cash and donate land for construction. February Met with governor Bush who recommends that we apply for Centers of Excellence funding; President Machen indicates his willingness to make this a high priority for UF funding requests. March Two foundations in SW Florida express willingness to fund an additional $1.5 to 4 million.
Components of Land Use Institute Land use ecologyLand use ecology (ecologists, landscape architects) Conservation design and integrative watershed management Ecosystem restoration Built environmentBuilt environment (planners, architects, contractors) Community design and regional planning Transportation ecology Natural capital & resource valuationNatural capital & resource valuation (economists, property appraisers) Land use and real estate economics Environmental economics Energy systems and energy distributionEnergy systems and energy distribution (engineers & economists) Energy analysis & process engineering Energy supply and distribution economics Policy, institutional, and legal processes Policy, institutional, and legal processes (lawyers, lobbyists) Environmental and land use law Innovative environmental policy and governmental regulation
Critique of institute concept My expertise is critically important and it is not represented. Too broad (E. T. York). Why do it in Sarasota? We already do that and it is not needed. An institute is not the best model for delivery of this service.
Land institute timeline Spring - fall Acquire donor and foundation support. UFF is fully engaged. July Begin preparation of $10 million proposal for Centers of Excellence. $16.5 million funding in place by 1 January 2007 January Begin first year of operation.
UF / SNRE land use program Participating units: –Sociology, Political Science, Zoology, Botany, Wildlife, Forestry, Law, Geology, Geography, Soil and Water, Economics, Food and Resource Economics, EES, Psychology, CEP, UF Water Institute, LUECI, PREC, NRLI, and ….? Goals: –Integration of UF academics with the Land Institute as a venue for research –Hiring of new lines at the interface of disciplines. –Extramural funding for innovative interdisciplinary research and academic programs
Funding opportunities Creation of Legislative Budget Request for SNRE Mini-grants to capitalize extramural proposals NSF IGERT NSF GK-12 EPA Network for Sustainability NSF Partnerships for Innovation NSF Science and Technology Center (with Land Institute - longer term) Center of Excellence (Institute, or at UF, or both?)
LBR Academic areas: Land use ecology Planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment Energy systems and energy distribution Natural resource valuation Policy, institutional and legal processes Human demographics and social organization Emerging technologies and their associated business applications Support staff: 4-6 TEAMS staff members Program and operating recurring dollars