DAPPLEDAPPLE Summary – 09/12/02 Introductory Review and Questions following morning presentations Discussions - Met, Tracer Release, Traffic Future Meetings: 1/ Modelling & Fieldwork Working Groups (Jan) 2/ User Group (Feb ?) 3/ General Meeting (June ?) Campaign Dates: 28 April - 23 May 2003 Practicalities – Admin & Data Contact Details & Summary Slide New Web Site:
Reading How is movement of air in a street network related to wind in the urban boundary layer above? Surrey What features of roadside buildings control the exchange of air between and in/out of street canyons? Is flow in a canyon driven by wind blowing across the top, or entering the upwind boundary of a model domain at street level? Leeds How do people move through the urban environment, especially in vehicles which causes them to emit air pollution as they move? Imperial To what parameters is exposure of people to vehicle exhaust emissions sensitive? Cambridge + Bristol Where does a tracer from a point source go in the seconds, minutes, and hours after emission? DAPPLE Introductory Review & Questions by institution, and key interactions between institutions EPSRC What is the relationship between built environment, health, transport, air quality, and sustainable development? Users How do we manage transport and air quality to improve health? How do we plan for incidents?
Discussions Meteorology: Background data (charts, air mass back trajectories) and upper air data from AMDAR available for planning. How does the wind direction at street level vary with the geostrophic & what is the magnitude or horizontal vs. vertical transport. High resolution meso-scale modelling of area – Met Office Unified Model can run at 1km. Also UWERN involvement. Time resolution and synchronisation of equipment, ultra sonic anemometers in particular which could be operating at 10Hz requires discussion. Security of equipment – an issue especially at low levels, logged by laptops, and or with a external battery power source.
Discussions Cont. Tracer Release Pre tests, prior to campaign dates, to help determine length and times scales of releases. Supported by pre wind tunnel and modelling experiments. From a car – either parked as less conspicuous from a security point of view or in motion as a line source within the traffic Due to sample analysis time need to use SF6, with shorter analysis, to get multiple releases completed within the DAPPLE intensive field campaign when other equipment present Best combination of releases – two in succession, continuous or puff releases, use all bags samplers or half at a time to give repeatability? Questions to be considered in working group meetings In combination with personal exposure experiments?
Discussions Cont. Traffic: Emissions – Micro scale traffic data and emissions required Nodes, not line sources, are dominant at intersections. SCOOT traffic messages will be collected for the Marylebone Road (from a.s.a.p. – hopefully Feb) Need to determine whether new loops at intersections associated with the congestion charging scheme are active – if they are not active at Gloucester Place should the campaign move to Baker Street where they are? Leeds Instrumented Vehicle, LANTERN, available to move within traffic flow.
Future Meetings Discussions highlight the need for 2 Working Group meetings the Aim to formulate specific questions to be answered within DAPPLE Modelling – to be held in Surrey Date later set for 23 Jan 2003 Fieldwork – to be held in Reading – Date later set for 27 Jan 2003 Other Meetings: User Group – Location and Date to be arrange (possibly Feb) General Meeting – Following Field Campaign (possibly June)
Campaign Dates: 28 April - 23 May 2003 Intersection of Marylebone Rd and Gloucester Place, London, UK X
Practicalities Administration: OSCAR – links established between DAPPLE and EU OSCAR project at Herefordshire University. Risk assessment for the campaign will be a combination of assessments from each university representative, with a copy also held at Imperial College. The public access web site is maintained at Imperial College and the internal website at Surrey. A copy of all publicity material for DAPPLE and/or presentation will be collated at Imperial College. All media publicity is to be pre approved by TfL.
Practicalities Cont. Data: Data Base – located at Leeds & based on existing setup. Final data will be stored and access for downloading password protected. Quality Assurance – instrument calibration and data quality (prior to entry into database) must meet agreed standards. The CR World aerial photo data set for whole of London (Imperial College) available. The Infoterra height data set for the campaign site (Surrey) available.
Contact Details: For further information please contact: Project Leader Prof Alan Robins Tel: ) Principal Investigator Dr Roy Colvile Tel: ) Fieldwork Manager Dr Samantha Arnold Tel: ) Deputy Scientific Co-ordinator Surbjit Kaur Tel: ) Website:
D ispersion of A ir P ollution & P enetration into the L ocal E nvironment A Consortium Research Project funded by the UK EPSRC Engineering for Health, Infrastructure and the Environment Programme, building on the research agendas defined by the APRIL Network and the EUROTRAC-2 SATURN Project. DAPPLE is a collaborative research project, involving leading UK universities, aiming to answer important questions about air quality near busy urban roads, such as: What controls the amount of pollution to which people are exposed? Can we get cleaner air at the same time as improving traffic flow, or or do these objectives inevitably conflict? What kind of tools do we need to assess localised pollution hotspots? Can the same tools be used for assessing emission from light industry or the impact of accidental or terrorist releases of toxic or flammable gases? Field measurements will be made around the junction of Marylebone Road and Gloucester Place in Central London. For further information contact Project Leader Alan Robins Tel: ) or Roy Colvile Tel: ) or look on the website at