Sustainable Development and Neighbourhood Plans Chris Gooding and Bill Bloxsome Data Orchard/Community First
Achieving Sustainable Development “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Resolution 24/187 United Nations General Assembly
UK Sustainable Development Strategy
Three Dimensions to Sustainable Development Contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment - An environmental role
Three Dimensions to Sustainable Development Contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment - An environmental role Contributing to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy - An economic role Supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities - A social role
The Environmental Role Improve biodiversity Use of natural resources prudently; Minimise waste and pollution; Mitigate and adapt to climate change, moving to a low carbon economy
The Economic Role Sufficient land available; Of the right type; In the right place; At the right time; Support innovation; Provision of infrastructure; Co-ordination with other development
The Social Role Supply of housing for present and future generations; High quality built environment; Accessible local services to meet community’s needs; Support health, social and cultural well-being.
Social – NP Policies? Housing -Level of development -Types of development -Affordable housing Services and Facilities -Schools, shops, post offices -Multi-use of facilities Health and Wellbeing -Playing fields and play areas -Cultural elements; -Transport
Economic – NP Policies? Portfolio of Sites -Broadband; -Live/work units; -Industrial sites; Environmental standards -Hereford Enterprise Zone; Green Economy -Tourism; -AD; -Agriculture and related activities; Infrastructure -Access; -Utilities.
Environment – NP Policies? Designations - Local Nature Reserves; -NIA’s; -Locally Important Buildings; -TPOs Character of Place -CA appraisals; -Landscape features; -‘Borrowed’ Landscape Climate Change -Retrofitting works -Site design features -Community Renewables
Environment – Green Infrastructure Herefordshire Green Infrastructure Strategy - Strategic Concept Map
Green Infrastructure Strategy – Leominster
Contribution to The Neighbourhood Plan An Investment Strategy for: Accommodating necessary development Strengthening sense of community Promoting health and wellbeing Climate change mitigation and adaptation Environmental enhancement
Delivering Encouraging private enterprise Negotiating with developers Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Community undertakings Grant schemes Sponsorship Parish precepts
Your Neighbourhood Development Plan What will it contain? Ambition Opportunity Single Housing Allocation Tourism Local employment Biodiversity Flood Alleviation Low Carbon Living Services & Facilities Pollution & Waste Health & Wellbeing InfrastructureBroadband Sustainable Development Development Renewable Energy TransportRecreationHeritageLandscapes Open spaces VistasCulture Affordable Housing “Shared Space” Farming
The Localism Act ……… based on sound evidence community input proper principles of planning allows communities to develop their own policies provided that they are:- The greater the ambition (policies & allocations) the greater the resources required….. Local Volunteers LA support Paid Consultants Networks Requirements Resources