Newmont’s Safety Journey
Behaviors Systems Involvement
Behaviors Systems Our House
Nevada Surface Operations Safety Journey Talking Safety Overview “When you’re talking safety, you’re thinking safety”
Carlin Surface Operations – Talking Safety
Talking Safety: Before and After SUGGESTION #023 Suggest that standing platforms be installed on the 992G Model Mill 5 and 6 loaders so the operators will have a safe place to stand while cleaning the front windows. As suggested, standing platforms were fabricated by Welder Kevin Wells and placed on 992G Model Mill loaders 038, 039 and 040. Photos of these platforms have been sent to other Newmont areas for their use.
Talking Safety: Before and After Suggest that fire extinguishers on the D model haul trucks and some of the C models, be moved to a location in which they can be used by operators to safely escape a fire. SUGGESTION #086 As of Nov 10, 2008 all haul truck fire extinguishers have been moved to a new location next to the operator cab providing quicker and safer access, as suggested.
Talking Safety: Before and After SUGGESTION #548 Suggest that we ensure the water cannons on the water trucks are usable for fires. When the operator turns the cannons on to test them they break because they are frozen. We need to be able to keep them from freezing. As suggested, a new water cannon drainage system utilizing double valves for automatic draining has been designed by maintenance engineering. The new systems are being installed on all our water trucks. Water trucks 102, 29 and 99 have been completed and successfully tested to work as designed.
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