TEPPC Meeting May 6-7, 2015 Salt Lake City, UT Thomas Carr Western Interstate Energy Board State-Provincial Steering Committee Update
Meetings: Recent and Future SPSC/CREPC/WIRAB (April 6-8, 2015) San Diego, CA Completion of the ARRA grant funding for input to transmission planning and related projects Proposed transition of SPSC into CREPC Western Interstate Energy Board (June 17-18, 2015) Boise, ID State Energy Planning (SEP) Idaho grant Future of SPSC and CREPC 2
Recent SPSC Projects Modular approach to 111(d) compliance (Cadmus) Scenarios 111(d) resource mix (Energy Strategies) Changing regional electricity trading patterns (E3) New method for path transfer capability (Quanta) Survey of Regional Planning & Order 1000 (ICF) Reliability Challenges and Mitigation Checklist (GE) Flexibility assessment project (E3) Distribution system planning (EQL) Low Carbon 20-year Scenarios (E3) 3
Modular Approach to 111(d) Compliance Contractor: Cadmus Modular approach States develop their own individual compliance plans for meeting their individual targets, but with portions of those state plans (or modules) developed in voluntary collaboration with other states Renewable energy WREGIS would require minimal enhancements to offer the essential features for tracking, trading, and reporting 111(d)-eligible RECs Energy efficiency WREGIS has the capability to accommodate 111(d)’s EE compliance requirements with minimal enhancements Redispatch Demonstrated gains from a two-state collaborative redispatch case over two states acting independently 4
Scenarios 111(d) resource mix for WECC analysis Contractor: Energy Strategies Start with 2024 Common Case and derive compliance gap 5
Resulting 4 theme scenarios 6
Changing regional electricity trading patterns Contractor: Energy & Environmental Economics (E3) Changing Resource mix Base Case and High Renewables Increase of coal retirements Evaluate changes in transmission flows 7
Questions? Thomas Carr Western Interstate Energy Board